Carole Doré – The New Male Female Integration Teleworkshop
The New Male Female Integration Teleworkshop, Carole Doré – The New Male Female Integration Teleworkshop, The New Male Female Integration Teleworkshop download, Carole Doré – The New Male Female Integration Teleworkshop review
Carole Doré – The New Male Female Integration Teleworkshop
This Powerful Audio Workshop Provides Essential Instruction for Achieving the Ultimate Level of Growth and Alignment -The Unification of the Male and Female Energies Witliiin.
All Classes are Enhanced with NEW Unification PowerVision® Techniques, Examples, and Guidelines!
Class I:
- The foundation is laid for this entire eight-part Unification Workshop.
- Many aspects of the Male and Female energies are explained • from how they are initially formed to their individual roles in our lives.
- Hidden blockages are painlessly removed.
Class II:
- Core blockages are removed caused from impressed negative or separate*! parenting.
- Essential guidelines aire taught for freeing The Inner Child.
- FREE MP3 downloadable recording of Ending PowerVision®: The Eternal Parent
Class III:
- Major shifts occur during this profound teaching of the unique aspects; of the Male and Female energies within.
Class IV:
- Energy Systems are explained in detail – resulting in the empowerment! and evolvement of the Female Energy within.
- FREE MP3 downloadable recording of Ending PowerVision®: 1’he Magical Raptcre
Class V:
- Advanced Energy Systems are taught – resulting in the empowerment and evolvement of the Male Energy within. Breakthrough growth and shifts occur during Interactive Dialog.
Class VI:
- Major insights and adjustments occur during more Interactive Dialog • resulting in freedom and camaraderie within.
Class VII:
- Overview of the Male and Female Energies.
- Advanced interactive dialog – resulting in confidence and unification within.
Class Villi:
- The scien tific nature of the Masculine and Feminine is explained in this two part Class: The Law of Polarity and The Mystic.
- This most Advanced P’owerVision Dynamics* teaching provides essential information that creates one of the gre<itest awakening and gives a person their power!
- FREE MP3 downloadable recording of Ending PowerVision®: The Mystical Marriage
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