Dramatica Unplugged – 12 Hour Writing Course Video Program


Dramatica Unplugged – 12 Hour Writing Course Video Program


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Dramatica Unplugged – 12 Hour Writing Course Video Program

12 Hours of video on all aspects of story structure and storytelling from the co-creator of Dramatica

Overview 97 minutes
Introduction to the Story Mind, Story Structure vs. Storytelling, The Grand Argument Story. The Four Essential Throughlines. The Psychology of Story. How to Psychoanalyze your story.

Characters – Part 1 72 minutes
The difference betwen objective and Subjective Characters, Why “Hero” is a four-letter word, Why a “Main Character” is not the same as a “Protagonist,” how to create the 8 essential archetypal characters.

Characters – Part 2 105 minutes
How to build complex characters, building four-dimensional characters. Character relationships.

Storyforming – Part 1 67 minutes
The 8 Essential Questions every author should be able to answer about his or her story: Main Character Resolve: Change or Steadfast?, Main Character Growth: Start or Stop?, Main Character Approach: Do-er or Be-er?, Main Character Technique: Linear or Intuitive?

Storyforming – Part 2 82 minutes
Story Driver: Action or Decision?, Story Limit: Timelock or Optionlock?, Story Outcome: Success or Failure?, Story Judgment: Good or Bad?

Theme – Part 1 101 minutes
Theme as Perspective, Thematic Topics, Thematic Arguments, Classifying Problems, Finding your theme in the Dramatica Structural Model.

Theme – Part 2 85 minutes
The Premise, Thematic Conflict, Thematic Conclusion, building your thematic argument with 28 Thematic Moments.

Storyencoding 110 minutes
Turning your structure into real people, places, and events, Illustrating Story Points, How to illustrate more than one story point with a single event, Finding the structure in work you have already written, How to use and illustrate Story Domains, Story Concerns, Story Issues, Story Problems.

Plot – Part 1 98 minutes
Plot vs. Storyweaving, How Plot affects Character, Theme, and Genre, Satic Plot Points, Goals, Consequences, Requirements, Forewarnings.

Plot – Part 2 70 minutes
Progressive Plot Points, 3 Act Structure, 4 Act Structure, 5 Act Structure, 7 Act Structure, How to KNOW what happens in Act 2, How to create 28 Plot-Driven scenes or chapters.

Storyweaving 35 minutes
How to create an Exposition Plan for your story, How to make your story interesting with Storyweaving techniques such as: Changing Scope, Changing Importance, Red Herrings, Non-Causality, Reversals, Continuity Breaks, Shifting Context, Flashbacks and Flashforwards.

Genre 102 minutes
The many faces of Genre, Why every story has a unique Genre, How to create a Genre chart, How to chart and control your audience’s emotional throughline, How to avoid breaking emotional continuity, How to create Mixed Emotions in your audience, How to interweave Comedy, Drama, Entertainment, and Information.

Reception 68 minutes
How to go about the actual writing of your story, The Audience as Writing Partner, Communication or Collaboration?, Who is your Audience?, Audiences as Disposable Tribes, Cultural Considerations, Writing for or about Ethnic Groups, Demographics – Age Groups, Men and Women, Sub-cultures, Authors Intent and how to use it, How to create Propaganda.

NLP online course

So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results

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