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Zain Agha – Forex Trading With ZTL (
My name is Dr. Zain Agha.
I am a Forex Trader, Trainer and Coach.
I have been trading for the last 13 years and I have been Teaching
for the last 5 years now.
During this time I have developed many Forex Trading Strategies and I have more than
900 Forex Trading Students to my credit spread all over the world.
Here is how my journey in the Forex World started:
I have been working as a Research Scientist until the year 1999.
In 1995 I was introduced to commodity trading by a friend of mine who was very good at it.
Observing his successes, I got interested and started trading on a part time basis.
I made good money on wheat, sugar and corn and lost it all on soya beans, and coffee.
I gave up trading for a year and just before the Christmas in 1996 I met a Forex Trader who explained me how I can make more money in Forex, just Day Trading.
He explained that I do not need to hold my positions for months or weeks as is the case in trading Commodities. You can make more money in less time. He explained me that the Forex market is on 24 hours of the day and I can trade at any time I wish.
This is how I started trading Forex on Part time basis at first for a few years.
I purchased many Systems, they were all based on Indicators. They all did work at times and most of the time I would get false signals and lose my money.
I was about to give up when my son who is a Computer Systems Analyst, suggested, Why not develop my own system. He said, “Dad you are a Research Scientist, why not use your brains and research and develop your own Forex Trading System”.
Thats how I developed a system of my own and started implemening it. Again this system of mine was based on Indicators and as all indicators are lagging and would tell you what happened in the past instead of what is going to happen in the future, I had to develop some Filters. These filters did help a lot and I started making money at last.
This is how I got into Forex Trading Full Time since 1999.
One day in the year 2004 my son suggested why not start teaching other people to be as successful as you are. He wanted me to teach his friend. So I did and made available a system called “Forex Trading Secret Strategy”. Later I built a website by the name of “” and started selling my system through .
I had great success selling this sytem, I would get 3 to 5 sales everyday and the number of my students started increasing day by day. As the number of my students kept increasing, I kept receiving requests to make further strategies and so did I. Amongst my systems the most successful were the “ZTL Forex Trading Methd” , “ZRC” , “News FX Strategy”, the “Z-100 System”, The Z-50 System, The Z-Swinger and now the “ZEZ System”.
Just recently I started a Forex Trading Room for the ZEZ Members where we trade the ZEZ System and the News Releases.
The Forex World has given me beyond my expectations and as I am about to retire I want to give back something to the New Generation of Forex Traders.
I am starting a Thread on my “ZTL Trading System”. I shall reveal the Strategy for Free
for all. This is a very easy system to implement and it starts at a fixed time of the day.
Unlike other Forex Trading Systems where you have to wait for a particular signal to develop, the beauty of the ZTL System is that you can trade at a fixed time of the day and make at least 15 pips within the first half an hour. If you are an office worker, you make your 15 pips and then go to your office. If you are a part time trader, just make the 15 pips and enjoy the rest of the day.
ZTL System uses a very small Stop Loss of only 7 pips plus the spread. Some days you would get a losing trade too. But the Success Ratio is much much higher.
So keep your fingers crossed.
I shall start revealing The ZTL Forex Trading System bit by bit from Monday the 31st August 2009
Make sure you come here everyday and learn the system and start making real money.
In the meantime if you have any questions to ask, please do not hesitate. I am here to help you all Succeed.
Dr. Zain Agha
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