Nicole Demasi – Eating with ADHD Online Course
Nicole Demasi – Eating with ADHD Online Course
How to Eat with ADHD…
Hi! It’s great to have you here! Watch the free training video below to see the 9-step anti-diet framework I use for myself and my clients to stop the cycle of, restricting, overeating, & stressing over food to increase your focus, energy, & happiness!
Get the Information & Tools for a New Approach to Food with ADHD…
Before I share that system and the 9 key steps below, it’s important to look at the challenges we all face when eating with ADHD so that we know what we need to overcome on this journey…
How to Eat with ADHD?
Hi Everyone, It’s Nicole…
‘Eating with ADHD’…who knew that was even a thing?! I certainly didn’t even after 10 years of being a Dietitian! But oh how my life could have been so much easier!
Like thousands of other women, I battled with undiagnosed ADHD for the first 33 years of my life. Up until my diagnosis, I had no idea that ADHD was the cause behind my unhealthy relationship with food! After my diagnosis in 2020, as a Dietitian, and in true ADHD fashion, I hyper-focused on connecting the dots between diet and ADHD.
When looking for answers, I asked myself these questions….
“Can I fix my brain?”
“What impact is ADHD having on my eating habits?
”What impact do my eating habits have on my ADHD?”
”Is my ADHD the cause of my disordered eating?”
”Is food & ADHD the cause of my stress & anxiety?”
”How is food and ADHD affecting my mental, emotional, & physical health?”
As you can imagine, there were a lot of questions!
And what was even more of a frustration and concern to me…is that there were so many unanswered questions! There’s barely any information connecting these issues anywhere on the internet aside from what foods to avoid….which wasn’t what I needed.
So, I used my 10 years experience as a Registered Dietitian to dive into the science-based nutrition, along with the research from the best minds in the ADHD world to find a solution to my problem.
That resulted in me ultimately creating a step-by-step system and approach to food that changed my life! It allowed me to become aware of what was holding me back, allowed me to heal, allowed me to rewire my mind, and it allowed me to create a healthy relationship with food where I could stop binging and restricting, all while increasing my energy, focus, and mental and emotional health! Most importantly, it allowed me to create a life where I could be in control around food, and a life where I could manage my ADHD! And, as a dietitian, it was against everything I’d ever been told by mainstream education, culture, and society!
What I learned dramatically changed my life and has done for hundreds of my clients over the couple of years. Hopefully, this is the start of it changing your life too!
Food & ADHD… The Challenges
Why we Struggle to Eat With ADHD
Low Dopamine & Boredom
Low dopamine causes us to seek stimulation. Eating temporarily increases dopamine & serotonin which stimulates us temporarily and allows us to focus. Our brain perceives this food as a reward & this behavior of eating for stimulation can quickly become a habit.
Strong Impulsivity
A strong urge to eat something is often caused by extreme hunger. We tend to make decisions based on an immediate reward, rather than taking the time to figure out what we really need. This happens more when we don’t plan ahead, when we’re anxious, or overwhelmed.
Poor Interoceptive Awareness
Our ability to feel our body’s cues for hunger and thirst is dulled. This makes it harder to self-regulate. We wait too long to eat and then end up overeating as a result. We’re more susceptible to a lack of connection with our body when we’re stressed, hyperfocused, or distracted.
Executive Dysfunction
We all struggle with meal planning, shopping, cooking, and organizing. It’s overwhelming & stressful because it takes a lot of executive functioning & mental energy …and then perfectionism adds another layer of stress. We then resort to take out or snacking instead of a nourishing meal…sometimes leading to a binge…then guilt…then restriction again.
Easily Distracted
Distracted eating…we’re less satisfied with meals & more likely to overeat when we’re not paying attention. Time blindness causes us to lose track of time & not realize how long it’s been since we’ve eaten.
Emotional Dysregulation
ADHD makes it hard for us to regulate our emotions…we’re always facing extremes. This makes food much more enticing when uncomfortable feelings come up. Self-soothing with food is actually pretty normal for most people but can lead to bingeing and feeling out of control around it when it’s the only way you cope.
Day to Day Challenges
The challenges above often present themselves in our day to day to lives
- Bingeing
- Restricting
- Feeling out of control
- ”Stimming” with food
- Forgetting to eat
- Ignoring hunger & fullness
- Poor planning
- All or nothing thinking
- Perfectionism
- Emotional eating
- Chronic yo-yo dieting
- Lack of appetite
- Disordered eating
- Sensory issues
- Decision overwhelm
- Analysis paralysis
- Sugar cravings
- Low energy & poor focus
The Emotional Challenges
The day to challenges have a greater impact on our well-being…
Ultimately, all of the challenges above lead to the same issues… bingeing, restricting, and feeling out of control around food!
Which then sends us into the emotional cycle of; guilt, shame, low self esteem, low confidence, anxiety and stress.
The Solution?
Does that all sound familiar to you? You are not alone! We have these challenges & frustrations all the time!
It’s the life of anyone with ADHD. And it’s not a nice state to live in. So what is the fix?
What You Think the Solution Is…
And How It’s the Exact Opposite of What you Need!
Now, it’s usually at this point that we start frantically searching for a solution for our unique ADHD brain…
”How can I stop bingeing and eat consistently?”
”Should I cut out sugar & artificial flavors & colors…”
’Which diet should I be on!?? Keto, paleo, vegan, whole 30??”
”Which detoxes and supplements should I take to fix me?”
”Which foods should I eat? And which foods should I stop eating”
And… even though you’ve been dieting or fearing “bad” foods for most of your life, you’ll probably proceed to say…
“I’ll find more will power… just give me a meal plan to follow and this one will be the one…I’ll do it this time!”
Dieting is Not the Solution!
Restrictive diets = starvation mode, low metabolism, negative effects on physical & mental health.
Diets are simply not sustainable! Especially for those of us with ADHD!
Diets Leads to Bingeing & Restricting.
This Creates An Unhealthy Relationship With Food!
We’ve been restricting our whole lives. That’s the root of all of our eating challenges, mentally, physically, and emotionally…
Being aware of this will put you on the path to a new life. So let me elaborate further to hit that home…
We’ve been dieting & restricting our whole lives whether we know it or not. Even if you haven’t dieting to lose weight, you probably have been conditioned to believe that certain foods are “bad” or cause weight gain or will give you a disease…
So you fear them & don’t actually give yourself permission to eat what satisfies you…or you eat it and then feel guilty. Either way…it’s a form of mental restriction.
This causes a lot of our stress and overwhelm when it comes to making food choices…and why we overcomplicate eating.
That’s the root of most of our eating challenges, mentally, physically, and emotionally. So when you fail that diet or avoid the foods you fear, and you start to binge, and you feel shameful, guilty and like a failure…
Let me tell you that bingeing is NOT caused by lack of willpower!!!
Bingeing is a SYMPTOM of restriction, scarcity mindset, & lack of coping skills. And restriction, AKA ‘dieting’, makes bingeing WORSE.
This is why we’ve been stuck in the ADHD Restrict/Binge Cycle for most of our lives. The further back you go on one side of the binge/restrict pendulum, the further and more dramatically catapult to the other side! And this is why we just can’t get out of it. Why we can’t be happy, guilt free, and in control.
That’s is not a state we want to be living in! But, unfortunately, that vicious cycle repeats itself over and over and over again, which is why we feel so out of control! So guilty, so overwhelmed, so stressed. It results in low confidence and low self esteem. It’s a really frustrating way to live.
It’s Not Your Fault
Diet culture heavily influences our choices, self-esteem, & perpetuates fatphobia.
It’s Not Your Fault
Diet Culture Is Designed to Keep You In That Cycle!
We are constantly bombarded with messaging on social media, TV, radio, advertisements to change our bodies.
That leaves you feeling self-conscious, disconnected from your body, and more obsessed with food
It makes you feel like a “failure” when you can’t stick to a diet or when you’re not dieting.
Makes you believe you need to be thin, eat “clean”, & follow a restrictive diet to be healthy!
Is that how we deserve to be feeling? Is that how we want to live our lives?
Let me hit it home a little bit more and mention the fact that
2/3 people who diet to lose weight end up gaining more weight than they started with!
That’s insane.
Yet they are forced upon us in diet culture when on a scientific neuorlogical level… restriction makes us our ADHD minds feel out of control around food!
Now it’s Time to Break the Cycle!
There haven’t been any systems made specifically for our neurodivergent brains that make it easy to eat consistently, to stop binging, without dieting, so that our ADHD minds can thrive…
Now it’s Time to Break the Cycle!
A Solution On How to Eat with ADHD…
What are we meant to do if our go-to solutions and diet culture are actually the root of our problems?
So I created one!
Over the past 2 years, I’ve taken the system that transformed my relationship with food and took me out of the binge and restrict cycle, and I’ve shared it with clients who have shared equally life-changing results.
Now, I am taking the information I share with clients for $2500+, and I’m making it more accessible and affordable via a self-paced online course experience. And I’m sharing it with you today.
You’ve already started the process by being here!
Now it’s time to break the cycle! And I’m excited for you!
The Contents. The Steps.
What You Will Access & The Critical Steps You Will Take…
Eating with ADHD – The Course
Module 1: Building Awareness
This critical new awareness & understanding will bring you complete clarity, reassurance, and self-compassion to set you up for a lifelong transformation of your relationship with food & ADHD.
- Learn the challenges of eating & ADHD
- See the link between ADHD & disordered eating
- How ADHD affects the way YOU eat
- Discover your food rules
- Identify what you need to work on
Module 2 : Rejecting Diet Culture & Understanding Metabolism
This is the 1st step to food freedom & feeling in control! We’ll look at some home truths to debunk diet culture myths and it’s impact on your health, while sharing what you can do to break the binge-restrict cycle!
- See how diet culture has impacted your life
- Uncover the hidden forms of dieting
- Learn how to stop bingeing
- Discover your food rules & remove negativity
- Learn to feel more in control around food
Module 3 : Identifying Hunger & Making Peace with Food
We have trouble understanding what our bodies are telling us. Eating intuitively helps us overcome challenges to meet our needs, mentally, physically, & emotionally to make us feel in control.
- Learn what intuitive eating is & the key principles
- How it will help you stop bingeing
- How to eat all foods without guilt (it’s possible!)
- How to eat more consistently
- How to eat to feel good mentally & physically
Module 4: Fullness & Satisfaction
One of our biggest challenges is recognizing our hunger & fullness, which leads to inconsistent eating & binge-restrict cycles that spiral out of control. I’ll give you the insights to overcome one of the biggest threats to our mental & physical health, and to stay in control.
- Learn the early signs of hunger & fullness
- How meds can affect your appetite
- How to eat based on internal vs external cues
- Choosing foods that will keep you full & satisfied
- Reduce sugar cravings & control trigger foods
Module 5: Emotional Eating & Hormones
RSD, emotional dysregulation, & constant boredom? You’ll identify why you eat, your feelings, and your triggers, and get new tools to cope with stress and stimulate dopamine without using food!
- How to increase dopamine & focus
- How to stop all or nothing thinking
- How hormones affect ADHD & the way we eat
- How to sit with your feelings & manage emotions
- How to cope with stress without eating
Module 6 : Self Care & Self Love
Lack of self-care & self-love makes food more enticing and leads to overeating. Negative self-talk & body image is exhausting & not productive! Lets build self esteem and body respect through practicing self-care, and self-love techniques.
- Access the self-care techniques for ADHD
- How to reframe negative thoughts & comparisons
- How to build self-worth & well-being
- How to accept & appreciate your body & feel good
- How to stop fatphobia & weight stigma
Module 7: Plan. Shop. Cook
Overwhelm with shopping, planning, and cooking leads to inconsistent eating, often skipping meals or undernourishing meals, & can lead to bingeing. Let’s learn to meal plan, shop, prep and cook the easy way… and without the overwhelm!
- Creating a meal system for you (& your family)
- Organizing your kitchen and reducing food waste
- Finding your food prep style
- Creating quick & easy meals (without fatigue)Creating meals without a recipe
- How to add variety & satisfaction
Module 8: Creating a Routine
We hate routine, but we NEED it! We can’t rely on our working memory. Routine makes life easier & builds habits faster. So here you’ll learn to use ADHD tools & tricks to create a flexible, realistic routine to eat consistently to prevent binging & overwhelm.
- How to creating your personal daily routine
- Eating consistently with inconsistent schedule
- Planning for self-care, meds, meals, and snacks
- Tips & tools for staying on track
- Examples of routines that work for my clients
Module 9 : Nutrition & Movement
Nourishing your brain is important for building neurotransmitters & overall health. Movement is important for dopamine! So, here I’ll cover the essential nutrition and movement tips for brain health.
- Adding nourishing foods & movement you enjoy
- Learn which foods increase dopamine & serotonin
- Improve overall focus, mood, & happiness
- See the research backed supplements for ADHD
- Improve digestive & gut health (your 2nd brain!)
- Eat consistently & confidently! Feel good!
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