Brian David Phillips – Erotic Hypnosis Collection (7 Courses In 1 Pack)
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Brian David Phillips – Erotic Hypnosis Collection (7 Courses In 1 Pack)
Brian David Phillips – Erotic Hypnosis Collection (7 Courses In 1 Pack)
What’s Included In Erotic Hypnosis Collection:
1. Brian David Phillips – Core Skills Hypnosis Course
This video course covers basic hypnosis and more and is the premiere Video-Based Distance Education option for HYPNOSIS CERTIFICATION. In addition to comprehensive basic hypnosis coverage, every skill required for membership certification as a Hypnotist with the Society of Experiential Trance and much more is explained.
2. Brian David Phillips – Erotic Hypnosis
The Eroticatrance Erotic Hypnosis seminar is an intensive learning experience in Romance and Intimacy Experiential Trance Techniques for Adults using our I-5 Protocol (Increased Intensified Intimate Imaginative Involvement).
3. Brian David Phillips – Exotic Hypnosis Inductions Unusual & Unique Hypnosis Techniques
Within this DVD set, Brian David Phillips explains and demonstrates forty unusual or unique hypnosis induction techniques with through which a hypnotist can guide a trance partner into hypnosis, appropriate for therapeutic, introspective, or recreational contexts.
4. Brian David Phillips – Experiential Ecstasy
This DVD set explains and demonstrates a number of processes through which a hypnotist can engineer experiential ecstasy or positive emotional flood states such as bliss, delight, or even erotic arousal.
5. Brian David Phillips – Psychic Hypnosis
This DVD set explains and demonstrates a number of psychic hypnosis metaphysical experiential trance processes through which a hypnotist can guide a trance partner into a variety of experiences employing metaphysical constructs or other experiences for therapeutic, introspective, or recreational contexts.
6. Brian David Phillips – Social Influence (DVT35)
This HYPNOTIC SOCIAL INFLUENCE component is comprehensive program in core concepts that focuses upon an in depth instruction in methods of influence, suggestion, persuasion, and waking suggestion which can be adapted to any context from entertainment, to therapy, to sales, to coaching, to medical circumstances, to education or recreation or more.
7. Brian David Phillips – Speed Hypnosis Techniques
Special Comprehensive Course in Hypnosis and Instant and Rapid Hypnosis for Anyplace, Anytime, and Any trance (Clinic, Classroom, Club, Stage, Street, Walkabout, Anywhere)
About Brian David Phillips
I am a Focused Trance Guide, Certified Focused Trance Guide Instructor Trainer, and Board Certified Hypnotist (Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Hypnosis Instructor Trainer) with broad experience in trance modalities of various types. In addition to my work as a focused trance guide, hypnotherapist, a trance-based performance hypnosis sepcialist, and as a trance modality trainer, I am the Founder and current President of the Society of Experiential Trance. (SET).
In addition to hypnosis and focused trance services, I also offer very special metaphysical trance services via a form of trance wizardry that takes ancient occult tools and transformst them into contemporary context via a special form of introspective focused trance. In this endeavor, I use the tools of the Wizard’s trade . . . Tarot, crystal ball, rune, want, and more . . . with a practical edge and a contemporary twist. As a “trance wizard” I provide both introspective focused trance experiences and intuitive readings.
As Head Pastor of the Church of Universal Loving Tranceformation, I work within the Ministry of Ecstatic eXperiential Trance in which we endeavor to bring folks closer to the divine through ecstatic trancework. In that regard, I have developed and practice a number of trance techniques for introspective spiritual connectedness and awareness.
I am a very experienced and highly qualified professional educator and academic and am an Associate Professor in the English Department at National Chengchi University, a prestigious university in Taiwan. Please note that while I use the title “Dr. Phillips” for my university position, my doctorate is not in hypnosis or hypnotherapy (no such accredited degrees exist), nor am I a licensed psychologist or medical doctor.
As a focused trance guide and lay hypnotist, a person qualified in hypnosis and hypnotherapy without the need of an advanced degree related to medicine or psychology, I limit the scope of my hypnotic work to a particular range of issues. I will not work with you for clinical psychiatric, psychological, or medical issues without a referral from a licensed practitioner. Trancework of any type should never replace the competent care of a qualified healthcare practitioner. However, trancework can be a very valuable supplement to such care. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is putting you at risk. Run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit.
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