Travis Sago – 2 Page Google Doc Cash Machines
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Travis Sago – 2 Page Google Doc Cash Machines
From Blank Doc to Sales Poppin’ in Paypal (in 30 Mins)…
Pop! Pop! Pop!
If there’s a simpler, faster, more predictable way to top off a Paypal account, I dunno what it is?
If you’d like to nuke up a 5 figure (or 6) SALES POP over 72 hours…
Check out how simple we feed our starving crowd and get paid with a Bite-Sized MICROWAVE OFFER and an ugly G Doc!
In a world where folks have a hard time getting 139 comments on a post…I pulled out 139 SALES with a 2-page Goog Doc that took me less than 10 minutes to write and one goofy-ass pic as a post, LOL!
*NO Replying to hundreds of comments (Except to say, “Thank you for buying!”)
*NO Challenges, video, workshop, or FB live song and dance.
*NO long ass posts. (The first post had 2 sentences. 2nd had 7 sentences and the last post was only ONE WORD!)
*NO Dm’ing or Tapping!
TIP: People LOVE TO BUY when you microwave up a bite sized offer and make it a NO BRAINER to gobble up! (That’s why I call it a NO Brainer Campaign!)
Side note: I also got 139 buyer emails AND snail mails. (valuable asset for me)
I can (and have) uplevelled many of the 139 BUYERS now.
All this from…
… a 2 page Google Doc
… and 3 brain dead simple posts (emails work too) over the weekend.
Take a guess, what do you think the most common comments were on this No Brainer Campaign?
Besides the 72 Hour Pop, Pop, Pop, of Paypal Notifications, do you see what else happened?
See all the SOCIAL PROOF??
You can’t buy wallet lube that slippery at any store!
Now, I can (and will) fire up that 2 Page Google Doc (NO Brainer Campaign) AGAIN.
I almost always have a bigger sales pop the 2nd time than the first.
Even with the EXACT product…
…from $99 to $999 this special 2 pager gets my sales to pop, pop, pop!
I gave this 2 pager to a few folks to see how it worked for them.
They tweaked it.
One person put it on his PERSONAL FB profile…
Would that work?
It did.
He splashed his own flavor on it, but cranked in close to 265 sales, from his PERSONAL FB profile.
Other’s did $3k to $8k in sales.
One Mojo Man ran an affiliate promotion, selling someone else’s product, but used the 2 page GD Cash Machine doc as his base ingredient…and he popped in $10,000 in commissions.
EVERYONE I’ve handed this to has made their sales pop.
Pop! Pop! Pop!
It’s simple, profitable and FUN way for me (and other folks) to monetize call recordings, bundle products or just take something sitting on our digital shelf and top off our Paypal accounts.
If I handed you the keys to your own 2 Page Google Cash Machine which spits out $99 to $999 sales…
Would ya jump in, turn her on and put the pedal to the metal?
If you’ve got the “need for speed”…(and a sales pop)
Right now you can…
Take Your Pick of 3 Cash Machine Kits
Muscle Car Level
Your Muscle Car Level Cash Machine Kit Includes:
*Pump out a cash machine in under an hour with the exact 2 Page Google Doc I and my clients use to flip on the sales faucet.
*Drive hungry peeps to your cash machine with the 3 Posts or Emails (The first post has 2 sentences. 2nd has 7 sentences and the last post was only ONE WORD!)
*IMPORTANT: Bank maximum money with minimum words with the SALES “Shortcut” PSYCHOLOGY behind our “No Brainer Campaign.” You’ll have at your fingertips all the self-paced training to make sure your Google Doc becomes like an ATM you can bank on again and again. How many 5 figure sales pops do you want your 2 page G Docs to spit out?
*BONUSES Spit out cash windfalls selling your products/programs just “sitting on a shelf”.
TURBO Charged Level
TURBO Charged Cash Machine Kit includes all the above +
*Bolt on another $10K, $20k, $50k or more by THANKING all your new buyers and offering them a 2nd helping (2nd Helping Campaign). Your customers will thank you for it and wait until you get a load of what it does for your Stripe and Paypal account. You’ll be happy AF!
The Ferrari Level
Ferrari Cash Machine Kit includes all the above +
*Grow ANY Audience with the Audience Multiplier Campaign: Recently I doubled the size of one of my FB groups (and income from the group) by getting the members to promote the group FOR ME.
I’ve been using my own audience as a traffic source since 2005. Grows email subs, FB groups, Youtube subs, ANY audience I want to grow… It NEVER FAILS ME and the way I do it, I don’t HAVE to pay a dime. I COULD pay, but I’ve figured out a way I don’t HAVE TO…and now you won’t have to either.
Please, don’t be surprised (or mad) if you come back tomorrow and the investment is MUCH more.
Rooting For Ya,
“I get into my BBQ, what can I say? I’m glad our paths crossed!”
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