John Alanis – Secrets of Personal Authority


John Alanis – Secrets of Personal Authority


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John Alanis – Secrets of Personal Authority

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CD #1 The Truth About Authority—What Society Does NOT Want Men to Know

Why men are confused about what authority truly is… and why you continue to suffer the consequences, even though it’s not your fault

that authority is, what it is NOT… what society does not want you to know

How you can easily use authority to magnetically attract others (especially the women you desire), not chase them away like losers and jerks do

The unusual reason why you want to have authority instead of charisma

The two reasons why men fail with personal authority, and how to correct them quickly and easilyWhy authority is a personal choice, and is yours for the taking to use whenever you desire (you can turn authority on or off at will when you know this simple secret)

How to generate “instant attraction” by simply “turning on” your personal authority (not one in a thousand men knows this neat little secret, but it can bring you as many women as you want as fast as you want)

CD #2 How to Instantly Get Rid of Your Authority Killing Habits

How to instantly increase your personal authority by getting rid of these authority killing behaviors… how many of them are YOU guilty of?

The unusual reason why you must get rid of people in your life who have no personal authority (and why you must do it NOW)

How to avoid a psychotic relationship before it even gets started (Very few men know this secret, but it can save you a ton of misery—imagine, being able to “disqualify” a potential stalker, bitch, or gold digger 15 minutes after you meet her, not six months later)

Why it is important to get ‘round you people who are like you—and get rid of those who are not… and how to do this quickly, easily, and painlessly

The unusual—and necessary—characteristic all “masters of authority” have—do you have it too? If not, don’t worry, it’s easy to “turn on”… once you know this secret!

Why trying to impress a woman is the best way to turn her off! Most guys subconsciously do this, then wonder why they never get another date.

Discovered at last—what women really want! And you won’t believe how easy it is to give it to them.

The critical difference between abusive authority and real authority.

Why most people are liars and don’t even know it.

The truth about apologies and why you must never tolerate them.

The unusual truth about “favors” and authority—it’s NOT what you think.

CD#3 How to Create Your Own Unique Personal Authority

How to build your personal authority as fast or as slow as you want, to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged.

The biggest component to personal authority—few people know it, fewer have it, even though it is simple and easy to do.

The most pathetic statistic in the world—does it apply to you?

Why you must not tolerate people who lack this one simple skill.

How to get people who have never met you to automatically confer authority on you.

CD #4 An Easy Step by Step Plan for Building Your Own Unique Personal Authority

Why you should pay no attention to standards others have set for you.

Should you share authority? The shocking answer…

How to be comfortable with your own authority.

The right and wrong way to impose your will on people.

Why women flake—and how to correct it for good.

Secrets of good “followership”—why you must be a good follower to be a good leader.

How to deal with idiots.

CD #5 Authority Role Models You Should Pay Close Attention To

Why you must have authority role models to study… but never imitate.

Who you should model, and just as importantly, who you should not.

Four people you should pay close attention to.

Authority stories to learn from.

Readmore: HERE !

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