Non-Surgical Strategies for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction – Jason Handschumacher
Non-Surgical Strategies for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction – Jason Handschumacher
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The sacroiliac joint as a source of pain has traditionally been controversial. As knowledge about the structure and functions of the joint has advanced, this has changed. It is now reported in literature that the SIJ is the origin of pain in as many as 30% of people presenting with complaints of LBP. Clinically the SIJ can be challenging to evaluate. Assessing pain location and pattern, patient posture and movements, and clusters of manual provocation tests can clarify a working diagnosis of SIJ dysfunction.
This recording aims to simplify the vast array of options available to clinicians. We will demonstrate the most effective examinations and application of current evidence-based treatment to guide efficient and effective improvements for our patients, clients, and athletes. Through case study and video demonstration, you will walk away with a simple and efficient way to evaluate this region and help improve everyday function for what can be an elusive condition.
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