Cardiac Disease: Rehab Goals to Prevent Future Complications with Robin Gilbert


Cardiac Disease: Rehab Goals to Prevent Future Complications with Robin Gilbert


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Cardiac Disease: Rehab Goals to Prevent Future Complications with Robin Gilbert

Cardiac Disease: Rehab Goals download

Mr. Jones is day 2 on the telemetry unit where he had been admitted following flu symptoms with nausea and vomiting. He was seen by the physician this a.m. and is scheduled for discharge when suddenly his monitor alarms from ventricular fibrillation. What happened? What did we miss?

There has been a paradigm shift in how we care for our cardiac population. In the past, we focused on episodic care. Care for the cardiac patient needs to incorporate the additional focus on the continuum of care. This conference will discuss the care of the cardiac patient from the acute event, initiation of secondary prevention therapies, cardiac rehab referrals, preventing re-admissions, and improving the quality of life for cardiac patients.

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