An Intensive Training Lab on Total Joint Replacements with Terry Rzepkowski


An Intensive Training Lab on Total Joint Replacements with Terry Rzepkowski


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An Intensive Training Lab on Total Joint Replacements with Terry Rzepkowski

An Intensive Training Lab download

  • “Hands-on” treatment sessions for the acute through the subacute phase of recovery
  • Video case studies of the latest in computer and robotic surgery techniques
  • Unique rehab considerations for the traditional and advanced surgical approaches
  • Key strategies to incorporate point-of-care PT/INR
  • Out-patient and beyond: Practical strategies for optimal function and joint longevity

Recent advances in the techniques, equipment, and components now make total joint replacement a commonplace, elective surgery for patients of all ages with compromised articular joint components. This challenges us to keep pace with surgical advances and the active expectations of their recipients.

Terry Rzepkowski, DPT, is excited to share his expertise and passion in orthopedics as a total joint rehabilitation specialist to provide an advanced understanding of total joint replacement surgery. Have you ever wanted to see the latest techniques in joint replacement… but your busy treatment schedule doesn’t allow you time? In this course, we will view together and discuss actual joint replacement videos to be able to discriminate between traditional options and all the very latest procedures for the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle.

We will also have “hands on” demonstrations and practice of intervention applications from the acute post-op through the advanced out-patient progression for the total joint replacement patient. You will leave with a greater understanding of the surgical process, be better equipped to help patients establish realistic expectations, have increased confidence in this ever-changing field and achieve improved patient reports of satisfaction following surgical interventions for Total Joint Replacement.

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