Alex Perez – The Psychological Game of Attraction – Mindful Attraction
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Alex Perez – The Psychological Game of Attraction – Mindful Attraction
The Psychological Game of Attraction
In this course, you’ll learn how to make men beg to commit to you after short-circuiting their emotional and logical minds into a million reasons why they should.
And you can do this by following a simple LOGICAL structure to learning how to make men fall for you, explained like never before.
The truth is that there is dating advice based on being nice and not hurting feelings, then there’s are dark tactics that coaches wouldn’t teach even if they knew about it. That’s where this course comes into play.
This course was a FOUR YEAR COURSE in the making. It didn’t just take years of gathering information but the pain of having to let go of my ego and reverse engineer every one of my relationships to extrapolate what worked and didn’t.
What you used to rely on “luck” to find the right guy or to create that special relationship with a guy, now you can literally reverse engineer the process of falling in love and make it happen in a freaky efficient and predictable way.
It’s quite revolutionary and scary at the same time.
Remember when the atomic bomb came into existence (maybe not)? We were all like “oh shit that’s amazing” and then “oh fuck… what have we made?”
That’s how I feel about this course.
There are many dating coaches who teach to be the “best you can be” and their dating advice is usually pretty redundant and to be quite frank, quite weak. Why do I call it weak?
Well, because most of what coaches teach are tactics that are bound with self-imposed limitations. They’ve been conditioned to believe that in order to get your way, you must be the embodiment of virtue, but I am here to tell you that that’s not true.
In dating, leverage comes from having more options and if the dating advice you get is based on putting your all on one man and I believe that understanding other forms of attraction gives you more options.
Not options in terms of men, but options in terms of maneuverability. You are able to see further than any other person, and so you’re able to set traps in every corner so that no matter what happens, you end up winning.
Now, this isn’t about killing a dude, no, it’s about giving you the ability to harm or uplift. In the past, you didn’t have that ability, now you do. Do whatever you want with this power.
The Psychological Game of Attraction
is a course that will make the process of falling in love effortless and somewhat predictable.
This course is about learning the most powerful and effective tactics that produces the results you want. All you have to do is follow the course, identify what phase of the relationship you’re in and the steps are so simple that you’ll have no doubt as to what you should or shouldn’t do. These tactics can turn a guy who’s cold into hotter than searing coffee! This will ACCELERATE YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Where once took months to develop a strong bond, could be done in a matter of weeks. Just think about it: If all this was to give you the man of your dreams, would it be worth it? If all this was to guarantee that you’ll never be alone, would it be worth it?
Course Curriculum
1 Introduction
- Introduction to this Course
- The Point of Failure
- Don’t forget o review the course
- Course Review
2 The Psychology of Attraction
- Introduction to this section
- The dangers of applying these tactics
- Dating IS a game
- Strategy over tactics
- Laws of Human Nature
- Love and Attraction are based on vanity and social approval
- Create pain for deep attraction
- Warning on pain
- Writing down your standards
- Long Distance Relationships
3 The Pre-Honeymoon Period: Creating Interest and Curiosity
- Introduction to the Pre-Honeymoon Period
- How to get to know a guy the right way
- The indirect approach
- The direct approach
- How to create a powerful reputation
- How to build attraction using non verbal
- How to instill thoughts of commitment
- How to use weakness to create a stronger bond
4 The Honeymoon Period: Create pain to create a deep connection
- Introduction to the Honeymoon Period
- The Lonely Fantasy
- The Atomic Bomb of all Tactics: The Preemptive Breakup
- The Triangle of Love
- Using words to control his imagination
5 The Post Honeymoon Period: Solidifying the Connection
- Introducing the Post Honeymoon Period
- The Bold Move
- The Power of Isolation
6 Bonus Videos
- Stop being nice
- Dealing with the inevitable
- Make him forget his ex
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