Craig Hamilton – The Essential Course for Evolutionaries
Craig Hamilton – The Essential Course for Evolutionaries
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Craig Hamilton – The Essential Course for Evolutionaries
The Essential Course for Evolutionaries download. And, Essential Course for Evolutionaries Free. Then, Essential Course for Evolutionaries groupbuy. Essential Course for Evolutionaries review
You are an evolutionary. You know it because you spend a significant part of every day thinking about how to evolve yourself and how to make the world a better place.
You sense that we are facing an extraordinary and critical moment in the unfolding of our human story, and you feel called to serve in creating the pathways to a more enlightened future.
If you’re like most evolutionaries, chances are you also feel a bit overwhelmed by the task at hand. You sense that there is a much bigger life calling for your contribution. You believe that we can advance what it is to be human—in a way that not only better serves our work, families and lives, but fulfills on the highest promise of humanity’s potential.
Here is what you will discover:
One Awakening to the Call of the Cosmos: What it Means to be an Evolutionary
Two Enlightenment and Evolution:
From Being to Emergence
Three Awakening the Will to Evolve:
Motivation, Intention, and the Choice to be Free
Four Transcending the Obstacles on the Path:
Shadow, Ego, and the Primitive Self
Five Evolutionary Spiritual Practice Part One:
Unleashing the Power of Meditation
Six Evolutionary Spiritual Practice Part Two:
Beyond the Meditation Cushion
Seven Creating Evolutionary Relationships:
The Exponential Power of “We”
Module Eight Becoming an Evolutionary Force in the World:
The Call to Enlightened Leadership and Co-Creativity
Readmore: HERE !
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