Dan Kennedy – Writing For Info Marketers Training
Dan Kennedy – Writing For Info Marketers Training
Writing For Info Marketers Training download. And, Writing For Info Marketers Training review. Writing For Info Marketers Training Free. Then, Writing For Info Marketers Training groupbuy. Dan Kennedy Author
The Course itself includes four online modules. They are:
Module 1: Comprehensive ‘Tour’ of the Info-Marketing Industry
Module 1 will thoroughly familiarize you with the different kinds of companies and entrepreneurs in the industry. Illustrated by actual examples and give you insider understanding of how their businesses work, where their profits are derived from. And, how their owners think about advertising, marketing, customer development and retention, and products. You will also learn the lingo , the industry/tribal language. So you can communicate with these clients with confidence and avoid mistakes. That would mark you as outsider or ill-informed amateur and raise doubts about your capability. These clients do NOT want “just a copywriter” that they feel they have to school. Bring up to speed and work with extensively; they want somebody ready to write for them. This Module makes sure you are NOT perceived as ‘a stranger in a strange land.’
Dan Kennedy – Writing For Info Marketers Training & Certification Program
Module 2: Needs of these Clients & Specific Writing Opportunities
Module 2 explores the various needs of these clients. Such as lead conversion, monetizing resistant or inactive leads, new customer acquisition, upsells, etc. As well as all offline and online media used and how it is used … Leading to a “catalog” of writing opportunities available with these clients. Armed with this insider information, you don’t just show up at their door carrying a “Will Write For Food” sign and a laptop; you are able to ask intelligent, probative questions about their needs (that demonstrated your preparedness to work with them) and able to suggest ways you might be of service. You’ll also get a Resources Directory of respected experts and vendors to the info-marketing industry, of direct-mail services, Google and SEO services, social media marketing, etc., so that (as “on your own homework”) you can visit their sites, access their literature, and build your understanding of who-does-what-for-whom in the info-marketing world.
Dan Kennedy – Writing For Info Marketers Training & Certification Program
Module 3: Client-Getting: Who, Where & How: Who They Are, Where ToFind Them, How To Effectively Present Yourself To Them
Module 3 lays out WHO these clients are; WHERE to find them via various sources online and offline; and HOW TO effectively present yourself to them via distance communication or in-person. In this Module, you’ll also be shown how to create your listing for the AWAI-IMA Online Directory of Dan Kennedy Certified Info-Marketing Copywriters, and how to make use of it, as well as having other opportunities to market yourself to clients “on Planet Dan.” You’ll get tips for finding “hidden info-marketers” quietly based in your own town, city or area too. THIS IS “WHERE THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD”: where you are pointed at clients who are hoping somebody just like you shows up!
Dan Kennedy – Writing For Info Marketers Training & Certification Program
Module 4: Effective Copywriting for Info-Marketers with a Portfolio of Samples and Analysis
Module 4 is the critical preparation to actually write copy that sells for info-marketers . We will look at copy for info-products, courses, moneymaking opportunities, seminars, tele-seminars, webinars, conferences, conventions, coaching programs and much more. The key copy elements for each specific purpose as well as general issues about “why customers buy information” are included. You’ll also be told how to find and observe campaigns in progress from top info-marketers online. You will also be prepared for non-sales writing for these clients, with key elements for books and courses, newsletters, online content, and other deliverables. This Module is all about shortcuts and speed, so that you can apply your writing skills to info-marketing needs immediately. KEEP IN MIND: over 50% of my work as a copywriter is done in this industry, for which I’m paid well over One Million Dollars a year in fees and royalties. I’m at my pinnacle after 30+ years, and have some clients who’ve been with me nearly that lon…and a “bank” of material and samples unmatched by anyone in the world.
Writing For Info Marketers Training download. And, Writing For Info Marketers Training review. Writing For Info Marketers Training Free. Then, Writing For Info Marketers Training groupbuy. Dan Kennedy Author