Dane Spotts – Super Brain Power – 28 Minutes to A Supercharged Brain

Dane Spotts – Super Brain Power – 28 Minutes to A Supercharged Brain


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Dane Spotts – Super Brain Power – 28 Minutes to A Supercharged Brain

Learn about the Brain Supercharger technology, how it was developed and used by thousands worldwide to zap stress, boost brainpower and unfold profound states of altered consciousness.

Then experience it yourself—firsthand. The companion CD contains two audio soundtracks (Super Intelligence & Mozart Brain Boost) plus an instruction session by the author on how to create your own private mind lab to benefit from this technology. Includes 19 mind development workshops to awaken right brain awareness and help redirect the energies of consciousness.

This is the world’s first book/CD combination you actually plug your brain into…to launch altered states experiences. The goal of Super Brain Power is to share a powerful transformation technology. Not just talk about it…but experience it. This is a new media form, designed not only to teach ideas in an external sense, but to literally take your brain on a ride. An inner journey of self discovery–unleashing peak experiences and insights by redirecting the energy patterns of the brain.

The enclosed bonus CD contains 2 powerful experimental soundtracks. The first, Super Intelligence, uses the Brain Supercharger technology, (over 500,000 soundtracks incorporating this technology have been sold worldwide) to alter mind state and coax the brain into an alpha-theta pattern of deep meditative awareness and whole brain synchrony… unfolding higher states of consciousness. The second soundtrack on the bonus CD is Mozart Brain Boost. Based on recent studies on the power of music and how it stimulates spatial reasoning it is designed to enhance focus, concentration and learning by applying a specific musical formula.

Super Brain Power teaches you how to set up a “mind lab” in the privacy of your home…unleash both left and right brain power…operate your brain for peak performance…discover accelerated learning secrets…open creative floodgates…mind mapping workshop…visualization workshop…intuition training…dream workshop…plus mind scripting technology. 19 unique mind development tools and workshops. Plus learn how the Brain Supercharger technology was invented and is used to erase fears and wipe out self-sabotaging behavior. Includes reprint of a double blind study which as reported by the study’s author Dr. Lawrence Cory; “…daily usage seems to have a profound effect on the mental functioning of its listener…the Brain Supercharger appears to alter the personality of its users in essentially positive and life-enhancing ways.”

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