David Rainoshek – Juicefeasting – The 92-Day Nutrition Course


David Rainoshek – Juicefeasting – The 92-Day Nutrition Course


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David Rainoshek – Juicefeasting – The 92-Day Nutrition Course

Health / Fitness/ Massage


1.3 GB



A very important aspect of the 92-Day Juice Feasting Nutrition Course is its design as a college-level course opportunity, and a way to quickly review the the entire Spectrum of Diet from Junk Food to an Integrated Diet.

The Course is designed so that you don’t have to gather the information yourself through costly book-buying, hours of internet research, and conversations with people who may or may not have the latest or most advantageous information for you.

Your Juice Feasting hosts, David and Katrina Rainoshek, invest each day updating the Course’s files on diet, health, and nutrition in order to bring to you the cutting edge of nutritional and health research.

The information you receive on the 92-Day Juice Feasting Course has been collected from thousands of resources, including books, online resources, interviews, class lectures, and personal discussions with top colleagues in the field.

We believe this knowledge to be priceless, as the most valuable thing to each and every one of us is our personal health.

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings.”


You are embarking on a great opportunity to push the reset button on your physiology. If I (David Rainoshek) had the information 10 years ago that you will learn on this program, it would have saved me three years of hell, missing out on the best foods possible, and tens of thousands of dollars. You stand in the same position now to renew your health, eat better, more enjoyable foods, and live an inspiring life supported by a healthy mind and body that you can take care of in a profoundly impactful way by learning Juice Feasting as a Life Practice.

I have perused the books out there on diet and nutrition, and almost without exception – nutritionists, dieticians, and MD’s have not put the puzzle together yet. We promise you nothing less than the best nutritional information available!

From a recent review:

“There is no doubt that David and Katrina have not only done their homework…they have written the most massive “book” on detox, health, healing, raw foods and juicing either of us have ever seen!

The Juice Feasting site is like a fresh green juice, packed full of so many hidden benefits that you can’t tell how good it is inside by just looking at it from the outside. When you finally get a chance to dig in and enjoy it, you will be amazed at how much nutritious information is packed into each part of the Juice Feasting website.

Each day, you will have access to David’s personal files on every aspect of the raw and living foods lifestyle, including PDF files to download and refer to at anytime. These files contain a wide range of topics, including clean water, how to get a good night’s sleep, what to eat after your feast, and many (many!) more topics!”

Excerpt from a review of Juice Feasting by Heidi and JS Ohlander

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