Dialectical Behavior Therapy: For Clients with Stephanie Vaughn


Dialectical Behavior Therapy: For Clients with Stephanie Vaughn


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Dialectical Behavior Therapy: For Clients with Stephanie Vaughn

Dialectical Behavior Therapy download

Designed in the early 1990s, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) gives hope and confidence to clinicians and clients alike. DBT was originally used to treat chronic suicidal individuals. However, clinicians across the country are using DBT to help treat individuals with a wide range of mental illnesses including but not limited to Borderline Personality Disorder, eating disorders, and addictions.
This seminar recording is designed to help you understand why DBT is so effective with your clients and how it works with borderline personality disorder and other mental health disorders. You will also have a solid foundation in DBT through training. Speaker Dr. Stephanie Vaughn will help you demystify topics related to DBT and borderline personality disorder.
Known as a third-wave therapy, DBT moves away from the strict change strategies found in traditional treatments. In DBT, the therapist and the client balance these traditional change strategies with acceptance and mindfulness. It’s the constant back and forth movement between acceptance and change that makes DBT unique.

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