Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz – Moving Intelligence: Embodiment Practices of Continuum Movement – Collection


Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz – Moving Intelligence: Embodiment Practices of Continuum Movement – Collection


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Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz – Moving Intelligence: Embodiment Practices of Continuum Movement – Collection


This course is an introduction to Continuum Movement® founded by Emilie Conrad Da’oud. Continuum Movement is an inquiry into what it means to be a human being providing a somatic method to explore oneself as an unfolding biological and planetary process. The essential elements of Continuum: breath, sound, movement, innovation, and sensation will be used to provide a portal to our own body’s bio-intelligence. In somatic psychology, we recognize the importance of a bottom-up intelligence versus the traditional cognitive top-down used most often in our culture. This course will teach students how to access the intelligence and wisdom of their body, in other words, provide a bottom-up method for students to use for themselves and helping others. This course will have a 30 to 45-minute experiential piece in each class so as to experience learning from a bottom-up perspective. A primary value of Continuum Movement is access to the universal processes within.

Module 1: An Introduction: Continuum Movement and Somatics
This module will begin with an overview of the history of Somatics and then will focus on Continuum Movement and its place in the lineage of Somatics. Continuum’s Essential Elements, which are at the core of all Continuum classes, will be discussed: Breath, Sound, Movement, Sensation, and Innovation. An experiential piece will be presented that will emphasize and teach the importance of breath, sound, and movement. In this module students will explore: BREATH – All movement originates with breath. SOUND – Sound is audible breath, penetrating the density of locked tissue. Sounding further connects us with each other and to the resonant whole, providing another source for communication. MOVEMENT– Continuum’s movements are designed specifically to enhance the undulating spirals and circularity of the fluid system. Wave motion is the primary access to our bio-intelligence that is not bound by time, space or condition. SENSATION AND PLEASURE – In Continuum, we use sensation as a guide for awakening the body’s mysteries and the activating principle of the life force that feeds and nurtures the entire system. Sensations of pleasure create an inviting climate for self-renewal. INNOVATION – We learn the importance of being an open system that is able to be creative and adaptable to life and its changes.

Module 2: Philosophy of Continuum Movement
This module looks at the fact that the body is a fluid system and therefore needs a fluid model for its exploration of movement and healing. We are made of approximately 70% water and yet we do not often take this into consideration when we move or think of the body. Continuum proposes that the primary characteristic of any fluid system is its ability to keep transforming itself. The essential elements of sensation and developing interoception through first order experience will be explored in our experiential piece. Baseline and Open Attention, two essential concepts of all CM classes, will be emphasized.

Module 3: The Body Explored from Three Perspectives
Conrad’s Three Anatomies will be introduced as a way to understand our body and its imprints. Class will include an introduction to Emilie Conrad’s concept of the Three Anatomies: primordial, cultural, and cosmic. These are the lenses that we look through in CM to develop our understanding of different states of being that we experience in living. An experiential piece of the Three Anatomies will be included.

Module 4: Resonant States
“Movement is not something we do; it is what we are”, said Emilie Conrad. In this module, we will explore somatically the ideas in quantum physics of wholeness of the universe versus fragmentation as well as life being an ongoing moving living process. We will look at how this relates to our somatic understanding of ourselves. Students are encouraged to examine the experience and meaning of resonant states through the lens of nature and scientific interpretation. The fractal nature of existence is considered in terms of how the spiraled movement of water mirrors our organic developmental and evolutionary process, and how that can creatively alter our way of seeing and experiencing life. This mutable and fractal model of the human form can be useful for dynamic postural analysis as well as an observational tool for injury rehabilitation and physical restoration.

Students who take this course will:
Learn a method through breath, sound, and movement to access the sensations of their body to connect and allow the body to inform and share its wisdom, its intelligence.
Learn to see how fluid re-patterning is orchestrated with the movement of human awareness within the body-mind.
Learn an overview of the 5 basic senses and sense organs, plus proprioception and interoception, and how to work with language that supports the tracking of sensory-motor experience and self-regulation.
Learn the significance that all fluids, whether in the cell, the body or the planet, function as a resonant intelligent whole and can never be separated. In Continuum, we refer to this entirety as the fluid system and recognize its essential and ancestral role in healing, movement, and fundamental wisdom.
Learn that by amplifying wave motion through movement, our entire body resonates as a fluid, vital whole.


Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz

Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz, has a PhD in Clinical Somatic Psychology and is executive director of Continuum Movement®, founded by Emilie Conrad Da’oud. She is the founder and owner of Cobalt Moon Center, a center for integrative health and Somatics education in Neptune Beach, FL. She is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing where she served as senior faculty in the US and Europe. She has taught and been on the faculty of Esalen Institute, Hollyhock Educational Institute, Kripalu, and The Open Center. She is currently involved in research and treatment of trauma at UF Shands and University of North Florida.

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