Elizabeth Purvis – Platinum Program Secrets


Elizabeth Purvis – Platinum Program Secrets


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Elizabeth Purvis – Platinum Program Secrets

Dear Phenomenal Woman Entrepreneur:Have you been seeking an alternative to the “dollars for hours” way of working with clients? Are you tired of giving it all away at low fees, but don’t know how to charge more with integrity? What if I told you that there was a simple, proven, step-by-step path to…

Enjoy a 6-figure+ business by working with just a handful of highly motivated dream clients (the ones who show up fully and take action)

Charge what your services are truly worth… without fear, guilt or hesitation

Attract clients who seek you out and are happy to pay your premium fees

Have the time, freedom and income for the lifestyle you choose, whether that’s traveling the world, raising a family or hanging with your sweetie at home

Get ready to be excited – because that proven path exists! And it all comes down to ONE key strategy that can change… everything.

So what’s the secret to creating a 6-figure lifestyle business – fast – while being of highest service to those you’re committed to help?

The secret is to ditch the “dollars for hours” and low-end offers and learn a system to deliver your deep work in lucrative high-end programs that sell … for $5,000… $10,000… even $20,000 and up.

What is a high-end (or “Platinum-Style”) program? It’s the work you’re already doing, packaged in a way that delivers the highest level of transformation – and BIG results – for your clients.

Here’s WHY creating & selling high-end or “Platinum Style” programs is THE fastest and easiest way to serve people well, and use your deep transformation to bring in BIG money FAST.

With a system to create your own high-end programs, you’ll be able to …

Create generous revenue in your business. Instead of a few hundred dollars, your programs start at $3000, $5000 or $6000 and UP. Once you gain confidence and experience, your fees will go up – fees of $10,000 – $25,000 for a year are very possible. Enroll several clients at once and you’re looking at a five-figure to 6-figure payday.

Free up your time. Even when working 1-on-1, you’re often spending less time with clients and making more. And because high-end clients sign on for longer commitments, you spend less time marketing to find them.

Free up your ENERGY because you’re attracting a different kind of client and working with them at a much higher level. High-end clients are a joy to work with – and needy, demanding clients are rare.

Transform the RESULTS your clients get. Because you’re working at a high level, not only do you attract different clients…. these clients get results. They also value YOU, appreciate you and respect you… and they become committed, fast action taker clients that you dream of having. This ultimately transforms your reputation and your business like nothing else, because they give you success stories and referrals.

Create a burst of LEVERAGE in your business. Getting a few committed clients at higher fees creates a boost of cash and frees up time and energy which you can use as LEVERAGE to get to the next level – and offer all those group programs and information products to get your work into the hands of more people.

Create big paydays with NO marketing budget! All you’ll need are the simple tools I’ll show you. You can get your first – or next – high-end client with a single conversation.

Get started with a “list” of just ONE person. Instead of lengthy, risky launches, you can add clients to your business at ANY time – even if they’ve just met you.

Get paid what you’re worth now, no matter where you are in your business – even if you’re new. When you know a proven way to package your services to create massive value, you don’t have to be the “best” out there or have years of experience. All you have to “do” is be willing to own your worth – no more discounting your talent, training, and gifts.

Bottom line: high-end programs transform your LIFESTYLE and how you FEEL about yourself. They invite you to step into a new way of BEING that truly pulls you forward.

Now I know these numbers that my clients and I are sharing are incredible – maybe they even seem a little unreal. And you may be saying, “That’s great, Elizabeth, BUT… I really don’t see how it’s possible for ME.”

I feel you! I was skeptical too, at first.

After mentoring so many women to offer programs (including “hands on” business like massage and energy work) I know what’s possible for you. And I DON’T want you to miss out because of a few misconceptions that are easily answered.

“My clients won’t pay higher fees.” Yes, they will. I’ve done it, and my clients have done it, over and over again. It’s just that no one ever gave you the right SYSTEM that shows you how to tap into a secret, hidden desire your best clients have to actually pay you more. (You probably didn’t know that statistically speaking, up to 20% of your clients will ONLY pay for a premium level of service. This means you’re actually missing the boat on serving these clients if you DON’T have a high-end option.)
“I’m newer in my business.” This is awesome! That means you get to completely SKIP all the struggle and heartache when it comes to fees, packaging your services and actually making real money. Seriously – I invite you to get excited, because the rules of Platinum apply no matter what stage of business you’re in. You just get to do it right from the get-go.
“I don’t want to leave people behind.” I completely understand and of course you would never give up on the people you care about. Here’s what I know from experience: many of them (more than you think!) will come with you as you step into this new way of working because it helps them create such fantastic results. Those who choose to complete can move into your lower cost options (which you’ll finally get to create once you have more time, freedom and space in your schedule).
“I don’t teach clients how to make money.” You don’t have to teach clients how to make money, you just need to help them with a specific problem or challenge they want solved. I’ve mentored holistic nutritionists, life purpose coaches, fertility experts, massage therapists, energy healers, shamanic healers, and spiritual life coaches – all have made big money with high-end programs.
“I like working with clients one-on-one!” Me too! I would never give up one-on-one work, and I wouldn’t ask you to, either. But I’d bet that currently, much of your time goes to clients who are…let’s say…less than satisfying for you. Imagine working exclusively with highly motivated dream clients who show up powerfully and get amazing results. That’s the true beauty of this system – you get to work with clients like THAT. All the time.
“I haven’t cleaned up my own challenges yet.” Brace yourself…. neither have I. Here’s what matters… your clients don’t want you to be perfect – they just want you to be a few steps ahead. The old “I’m not perfect, so how can I help anybody?” thing is just another sneaky move the ego plays to trick you into holding back your gifts. Please don’t fall for it. There’s someone out there who needs you, right now, as you are. The journey is never done!
“I’m not ready!” Goddess, I’m flat-out calling BOO on that one because we know it’s just not true! Truth is, if you’re ready to charge for your services, you’re ready to position and package your one-on-one services as a high-end offer.
You and I both know that there’s no “perfect time” to accelerate your growth, and that you’re more than ready right NOW to make a heck of a lot more money, in less time, and with more FREEDOM in your life. So let me ask you…

If you added 6-figures-plus to your business, from a smaller number of highly committed clients… how would that change the game for you?

Take a minute now and really think about it. Would you…

Move to a new city or a new home – or both!

Hire an amazing team to take the busywork off your plate

Take regular yoga or dance classes

Hire a trainer

Invest in high-end mentoring, trainings, seminars!

Pay down debt

Fill your home and office with pretty things that make you feel special

Travel across the country and stay in 5-star locations

Take high end vacations, visit with friends and family you love…

Buy organic food

Get massages, invest in extreme self-care

Hire a stylist and shop for a whole new wardrobe

Buy a new car!

Give to your favorite charities and the people you love

Relish the security of a full bank account

Take time off for creative projects that nourish you, stir your soul and have nothing to do with your business…

Maybe your desire is… “All of the above, and more!”

Thanks to high-end programs, I’ve manifested everything on that list above… and more.

As you can imagine, you DO need to know how to package your services to warrant higher fees.

You also need to know what to include (and NOT to include) in your programs.

Also – of course you need to know where to find the right clients who will gladly invest in themselves at this level… how to get them raising their hands to talk to you about your program… and how to conduct your enrollment process so they’re pre-sold on working with you at your higher fees.

That’s exactly what I’m going to show you!

In Platinum Program Secrets, I’m sharing everything I know to create, market and FILL high-end programs, including my signature done-for-you templates and scripts, PLUS marketing materials from my successful launches.
These Bonuses Will Boost Your Results

I’ve put together a phenomenal collection of resources to elevate your success with Platinum Programs. These bonuses are worth as much, if not more, than the program itself!

You can see that I’m making it easy for you to succeed. And by now, clearly the idea of offering high end programs of your own is speaking to you, since you’ve read this far.

So it’s time to ask yourself “The Million Dollar Question”…

If you could add a simple, predictable, repeatable 5-figure to 6-figure income stream to your business, in record time… how much would that be worth to you?

I’ve included everything you need to create, market and fill high-end programs at fees of $3,000, $5,000 and even $10,000 and up. When you take action on the day-by-day plan I’ll give you, you can have new high-end clients in 60 days or less. That’s thousands of dollars in income just waiting for you.

And I’m serious about helping you get results. I don’t want this to be just another program that sits on your hard drive because when you add even just a few Platinum clients, the money adds up very quickly – my clients have had paydays of $10,000… $20,000 and even high five figures.

And if that sounds a little out there for you right now, you can begin with just one VIP Day client for $1000. OR a 90 day program for $1500 or $3000.

Now, there’s no question that the money is amazing. But truthfully? In the hands of conscious women, these programs aren’t about the money. They’re about transformation, for your clients and for you. High-end programs are about holding your clients AND yourself to a higher level of greatness. You get to do your best work with clients who truly value it.

When you own your worth, your confidence grows. Your personal power grows. And your life will change in amazing ways you can’t even predict right now. Above and beyond the money. The money is simply a means.

That’s why I’m so passionate about this strategy. That’s what I see for you and wish for you.

That’s why your investment in the program is $1997.

This investment indicates a serious commitment but is totally doable and only requires 1 or 2 clients at most to make your investment back. (If money is tight right now, use the payment plan to spread it out over a few months.)

My Personal “Make You MORE Than Happy” Guarantee

I’ve poured my heart and soul into Platinum Program Secrets and fully stand by everything I teach. After mentoring hundreds of entrepreneurs in this system, I know if you follow the 60-Day Action Plan and do the work as directed, you’ll get results.
So here’s my guarantee…

I invite you to say YES to yourself and to the program. Follow the 60-Day Action Plan and if at the end of 60 days, you don’t feel I’ve delivered on this promise, simply send us your completed 60-day Action Plan checklist and all of the materials you used to market your program (program letter and application, emails sent, etc) and we’ll happily refund 100% your money.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We require the completed 60-Day Action Plan and your program marketing materials before we’ll refund your money. Why? Because we know that if you do the work as directed, you’ll get results. It’s that simple. If you do all the work and don’t get value, then we’ll cheerfully refund you.

That’s how much I stand by this program, and how much I believe in YOU to create success with this system. And that’s how much I want you to say YES and join us!

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After your payment, we will review your payment, Then, we will send you PCLOUD LINK OF COURSES through email in 3 – 8 hours. If any issue, we will inform you as soon as possible.