Emily Fletcher – Ziva Meditation


Emily Fletcher – Ziva Meditation


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Emily Fletcher – Ziva Meditation

Reduce Stress, Overcome Anxiety & Improve Sleep

In 15 Days or Less

Do you feel like this?

But want to feel like this…

Then welcome to zivaONLINE
zivaONLINE is for the 99% of us who need less stress, less anxiety, better sleep and more joy in our lives.

Are you ready to see drastic shifts in 15 days or less?

Maybe you’ve dabbled in meditation before. Maybe you even have an app on your phone. So do 100 million other people, yet stress worldwide is through the roof. It’s not working.

zivaONLINE is not an app. It is an enlightening, entertaining, consciousness-expanding experience.

There are so many myths out there about meditation — maybe you’re thinking:

I can’t clear my mind.

Surprise — you don’t have to! The mind thinks involuntarily just like the heart beats involuntarily.

There’s no clearing your mind with Ziva.

I’ve tried meditating before and hated it.

There are many types of meditation out there — and The Ziva Technique is made for busy people with busy lives. Grads say it feels like a delicious nap sitting up.

I can’t sit still.

You don’t have to sit in uncomfortable positions or use “fancy fingers.” Simply find a comfy spot; anywhere you can think a thought is a good place to practice.

It’s too hard to commit.

No, what’s hard is constantly feeling stressed, overwhelmed and unhappy. Is a quick daily practice harder than going through life as stressed as you are now? Plus, our team is dedicated to supporting your long term success.

I don’t feel stressed.

Stress isn’t just a feeling. Stress is something you store at a cellular level. If you’re living on Planet

Earth, you have some level of stress stored in your nervous system – and it’s wreaking havoc on your body and mind.

I’m too busy.

We make time for the things we find important. (And we didn’t want to have to do this, but… have you checked your Screen Time lately?) Plus, The Ziva Technique saves you time by making you more productive. Check out Dr. Mark’s story below.

“I am shocked by what Ziva has done for me. I am calmer, less anxious and have so much more energy now. After I meditate I feel refreshed like I’ve had a long nap.

For the few minutes I invest in Ziva, I get back three hours of productivity.

I don’t have time not to meditate.”

Mark Hyman, MD

12-time NYT Bestselling Author and

Head of Functional Medicine at Cleveland Clinic and

Did you know you can
invest just 2% of your day to radically improve the other 98%?

All you need is a super-powerful, super effective tool that will help you reduce stress, overcome anxiety and improve sleep — in only 15 minutes.

It’s fast and effective. A 15-minute sitting is the equivalent of a 90-minute nap.

No clearing your mind, struggling to “focus,” or practicing frustrating breathing techniques.

It feels good. So much so that you’ll look forward to your Ziva sittings every day.

And the results are REAL.

By reducing the stress in your body at the cellular level, The Ziva Technique will give you

Deeper, more efficient sleep

Way more energy & productivity

Less stress, anxiety & overwhelm

Improved immune function

Better focus, attention & memory

And even better sex (yes, really)

Meet Emily

Emily Fletcher is not your average meditation teacher. Famous for converting meditation skeptics into dedicated practitioners, her students understand that Ziva is about getting better at LIFE. Featured by

The New York Times, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Vogue and ABC, Emily has rebranded meditation — making it accessible, entertaining and easy to adopt into a busy lifestyle. She has taught at

Apple, Google and Harvard Business School and Ziva graduates include Oscar, Grammy, & Emmy award winners, Navy SEALS & NBA players.

Emily’s devoted study of ancient practices from India for over 15+ years led to the development of a simple but powerful technique made for people like you: someone with a busy mind and busy life. She combines 6,000+ year practices with cutting-edge neuroscience, empowering students to eradicate stress, find outrageous joy and live the most purposeful, radical life of their dreams.

She’s taught over 40,000 people The Ziva Technique. Her best-selling book Stress Less, Accomplish

More debuted at #7 out of all books on Amazon and has been translated into 12 languages.

A formerly stressed Broadway performer who was going gray at 27, Emily discovered a powerful practice that cured her insomnia and improved her health on the first day. Her transformation was so dramatic that she felt inspired to share it with others.

It’s Emily’s mission to help as many people as possible achieve extraordinary benefits — like dramatically reduced stress, anxiety relief and deep, restful sleep. And she’s determined to have a great time doing it.

Join the movement of people who are saying yes to a radically joyful and purposeful life.

What You’ll Learn:

How to Use 2% of Your Day to Make the Other 98% More Amazing

Emily will teach you how to practice the ingenious technique she’s created that not only makes you feel great in the moment, but improves how you feel all day, every day.

“I come out of every meditation feeling refreshed, healed, empowered, endowed with a sense of renewed strength, + the ability to tackle ANY project life throws my way.” – PETE JONES

How to Manage Your Stress So It’s Not Managing You

How much more could you accomplish if you weren’t beholden to your stress every day? The Ziva

Technique alleviates stress at a cellular level — goodbye anxiety, insomnia, digestion issues, premature aging and more.

“Ziva Meditation has helped me reduce stress, control anxiety issues, eliminate migraines, TMJ pain and neck tension, and sleep better.” – JENNIFER DRAGO

How to Get More of Your Most Valuable Resource: Time

Each one of us has a finite amount of time on this planet. The Ziva Technique gives your body deep, healing rest so you’re more clear, more present and more productive on the other side. This tool actually gives you more time back in your day.

“When I skip my sittings, my work takes me twice as long – seriously! Meditation makes me sharper, faster, and more clear headed.” – KAT JAMIESON

How to Get Rest that is 5x Deeper than Sleep

Once you learn, your sleep becomes deeper and more efficient. It used to be that you had to travel to the Himalayas to learn this ancient technique. Now, Emily’s mission is to share it with you.

“I’ve always been someone that requires 8 hours of sleep every night. After Ziva, I’m functioning wonderfully off 6.5 hours with NO caffeine. It’s the best thing ever.” – RACHEL PEREZ

Why Slowing Down is the Key to Success and Productivity

The world’s top performers — including Oprah — know that the key success is to invest in themselves.

Every. Single. Day. Learn how to SHOW UP and be the best version of yourself.

Pre-Ziva, I wasn’t able to see 8 patients and enter their data without bringing work home. Now I’m seeing 14 patients a day, and I come home work-free. It’s a giant step in my career. – SHAHROKH


Get Better at Life with The Ziva Technique

In addition to the countless physical benefits of The Ziva Technique (better sleep, improved immune function, decreased anxiety, etc.) this practice will fundamentally change the way you approach challenges and demands in your daily life.

Better Leadership

According to Harvard Business Review magazine, meditation puts you in the right mindset for delivering an important critical presentation, running a demanding contentious meeting or making high-stakes strategic decisions.

Creative problem-solving:

The Ziva Technique strengthens the bond between the left and right hemispheres of your brain, so when you’re in a high-pressure meeting or an argument with your partner, you’ll have unprecedented access to creative solutions on the spot.

Negotiation skills:

Studies show that meditators have high emotional intelligence, making them better equipped to pick up on subtleties and successfully navigate difficult conversations. This super power helps you understand (and utilize) what’s important for the other party in a negotiation.

Entrepreneurial skills

According to INC magazine, meditation helps entrepreneurs maintain high energy during the day and provides the emotional stability they need to become more resourceful in business.

Look and feel younger:

In a study by the UCLA Brain Mapping Center, meditation staved off some of the normal cognitive decline that comes with aging. Meditation also reverses your body age (based on stress, happiness, blood pressure, etc.) by up to eight years, making meditators not only feel younger but actually look younger as well.

Live longer:

Nobel Prize-winning scientist Elizabeth Blackburn’s research suggests that meditation strengthens your telomeres (which keep your DNA from unraveling), leading to a healthier body and a longer lifespan.

Quality of relationships

Meditation boosts your emotional intelligence promoting better relationships both romantically and platonically. Plus, the quality of your sex life will skyrocket.

Sounds great, right? It is.
zivaONLINE may NOT be for you if…

You’re not willing to go through a serious mental and physical detox

This practice is more efficient than other practices you may have tried in the past. Because you’re healing stress at a cellular level, it can sometimes feel the same way on the way out as it did on the way in. This is temporary (and beyond worth it).

You’re looking for austere, monastic practices.

If you long to live in a cave, wear a robe and meditate all day long, it’s time to look elsewhere. The Ziva

Technique is extremely powerful and efficient so you can devote only 2% of your day to making the other 98% more amazing.

You want to play small.

When you start a Ziva practice, you’ll increase your deserving power and start to truly step into your big dreams. So if you feel comfortable in the life you have and want to maintain everything as it is, this practice may not be for you.

What’s Included in zivaONLINE

Are you ready to see how good life can get?

Program Details

Each daily training video will build upon the teachings from the previous day. The course is 15 days long and each day’s instruction is based on what your body and mind will be experiencing as you move through the 3 M’s of The Ziva Technique.

Training videos are at most 25 min and you can do them at any time that works with your schedule. It’s best to do 15 days in a row, but you are welcome to take the course at your own pace.

MINDFULNESS: The Appetizer (Days 1-3)

Mindfulness is very effective at handling your stress in the present moment. It is a left brain, directed focus mental technique. In Days 1-3, you’ll learn two powerful mindfulness tools that will act as a runway from your 100 mph life into the deep, healing rest you’ll experience in the meditation of Part 2.

Highlights include:

What the Ziva Technique is & how The 3 M’s benefit your brain and body

Best practices for posture

Why you don’t need a quiet location to practice

Pro Tips to get the most out of your zivaONLINE training

How to recognize the mental and physical detox of the “unstressing” process

What mindfulness is and how it affects your brain

How to measure and celebrate your success

The 4th State of Consciousness (different than waking, sleeping, dreaming)

The difference between mindfulness and meditation

How meditation gives you rest 5x deeper than sleep

Why your senses are heightened during meditation

MEDITATION: The Main Course (Days 4-12)

What if you were to recharge your brain as often as you recharge your phone? In this section of zivaONLINE, you’ll learn a deeply healing meditation technique and how to apply it to your busy, modern life. Over the course of Days 4-12, you will gradually build your meditation time and learn to manage the emotional and physical detox that many new meditators experience. The practice will give your body deep healing rest, remove stress from your body at the cellular level and open you up to benefits including deeper sleep, increased productivity, strengthened immune function and boundless energy.

Highlights include:

A protocol for how to select your mantra from a curated Ziva list

Learn how to use your mantra

Why thoughts are not the enemy

Understanding the importance of the physical and emotional unstressing

How to know if you are falling asleep or meditating

The 5 most common things that happen during meditation

Guided meditations at increasing lengths to lead you to self-sufficiency

How to really commit to an everyday practice

Why you may become a cheaper date (your tolerance to alcohol and coffee may change)

How to have personal integrity and commit to your daily practice

The concept of creation, maintenance and destruction

Shift from “Why is this happening TO me?” vs “FOR me?”

MANIFESTING: The Dessert (Days 13-15)

In the last section of zivaONLINE, you’ll discover how to consciously create a life you love. You’ll learn a powerful manifesting technique to include in your meditation practice to get clear on your goals and turn your wildest dreams into your everyday reality.

Highlights include:

Getting clear on what you want so Nature can deliver your dreams to you

How to picture your dreams as if they are happening now

Manifestation precedes desire which means your desires are already on the way or you wouldn’t even want them.

The 3 steps to manifesting

Why detachment means trusting the universe

How Meditation + Manifestation are much more powerful together than either one alone.

Learn to celebrate your success and how to gauge your progress.

Why you are stronger than your resistance

PLUS: All These Downloadables

The Neuroscience of Stress audio

Hear Emily talk through how stress affects the brain and body (and how meditation gets rid of stress from your past at the cellular level). Learn why it’s not bad for you to get stressed, but it is terrible for you to stay stressed.

zivaSLEEPS audio guided visualization

Helps you fall asleep faster and gives you deeper more restful sleep.

zivaRELEASE audio guided visualization

Helps you through the UNstressing process. Sometimes stress has the same flavor on the way out as it did on the way in.

zivaPERFORMANCE audio guided visualization

Designed to help you before big events when you want to perform at the top of your game.

zivaTRAVELS audio guided visualization

Reduces jetlag. Use this for take off and landing so you arrive refreshed and ready to rock.

The Love Bomb audio guided visualization video

Blast yourself, the people around you and the planet with love — incredibly simple, but also incredibly powerful. This technique produces oxytocin in your brain — oxytocin is “the love chemical” which can decrease inflammation, change your relationship with pain, and increase the connection between your heart and your mind. Love bomb, indeed.

Pep Talk in Your Pocket audio

Download this quick audio anytime you have an important event and want to show up as the most amazing version of you. This quick (but powerful) pep talk is perfect.

“The Chocolate Cake Story” audio

This delicious analogy illustrates why you can absolve yourself of any responsibility to over-analyze your past and instead enjoy how meditation helps you heal old trauma and stress on a pre-verbal level.

Meditation Calendar PDF

A beautiful meditation calendar you can print out, fill in, and use to help you get to the chair twice a day, every day.

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