Jeffrey Hahner, Martin Sokoloff & Sandra Salisch – Speaking Clearly Improving Voice And Diction


Jeffrey Hahner, Martin Sokoloff & Sandra Salisch – Speaking Clearly Improving Voice And Diction


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Jeffrey Hahner, Martin Sokoloff & Sandra Salisch – Speaking Clearly Improving Voice And Diction

The Sixth Edition of Speaking Clearly guides readers through the challenging process of learning new speech behaviors as well as changing old ones. It will help readers achieve significant and lasting changes in voice and diction. Some of the valuable tools in the text include:

Voice and diction drills in increasing order of difficulty;

Ear training techniques;

A pronunciation list of frequently mispronounced words;

Theory and drills on all of the component sounds of American English;

An appendix covering foreign accents; and

Icons in the text refer to the relevant Speech Lab segments.

Included with Speaking Clearly is the Speech Lab—an integrated CD audio program that provides drill materials for diction, voice, and vocal expression.

Not-for-sale instructor resource material available to college and university faculty only; contact publisher directly.

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH COMMUNICATION 1. Introduction 2. Dealing with Nervousness 3. The Speech Process 4. The Sounds of American English II: DICTION 5. Improving Diction: The Basics 6. The Consonants: Plosives 7. The Consonants: Fricatives 8. The Consonants: Nasals, Glides, Laterals, and Affricates 9. The Vowels and Diphthongs III: VOICE 10. Voice Production 11. Vocal Expressiveness Appendixes: Pronunciation Guide / Guide to Foreign Accents / Diagnostic Materials and Speech Checklists Glossary

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