Larry Saccoia – Applied Wing Chun – Lesson 006 – Pak Sao
Larry Saccoia – Applied Wing Chun – Lesson 006 – Pak Sao
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Larry Saccoia – Applied Wing Chun – Lesson 006 – Pak Sao
Larry Saccoia – Applied Wing Chun – Lesson 006 – Pak Sao
Instructor: Larry Saccoia Publisher: Wing Chun University
Lesson Information:
Lesson: 006 – Pak Sao
Running Time: 48 minutes
Lesson Description:
This lesson teaches you how to use the Pak Sao to intercept your opponents punch. There are over 30 different ways to use the Pak Sao, and you learn the concept behind the Pak Sao and how it is used to intercept and redirect your opponents punch while simultaneously attacking.
Course Info:
Teacher: Larry Saccoia
Lineage: Ip Man -> Duncan Leung ->Larry Saccoia -> You
System: Applied Wing Chun
Course: Complete Applied Wing Chun System
Resolution: 1080p HD.
Course Description:
“This course will teach you the correct interpretation of Wing Chun principles for real combat and teach you the proper way to train them so they work when your life depends on it”.
Why should you invest your time to watch these Applied Wing Chun Video lessons? After all, there are literally thousands of videos and books already on the subject of Wing Chun, and Grand Master Yip Man taught everyone the same things. So does the world really need another video lesson on this subject? Consider this. Yip Man did teach everyone the same techniques, but because everyone’s understanding is not the same, there exists today many different interpretations of these applications and most importantly, different understandings of the principles that govern Wing Chun. The only true way to know for sure if your understanding of the principles and techniques of Wing Chun is correct, is to ultimately APPLY it to PROVE it in combat.
The lineage of Applied Wing Chun comes from Duncan Leung who was given the nick name of the “Wing Chun Warrior”. He is a private disciple of Yip Man who had literally hundreds and hundreds of brutal fights while learning to apply his art. He has proven the principles and application of Wing Chun and has taught the same to many students, including the author of this video series, Larry Saccoia. Larry himself learned the application of Wing Chun through a countless number of fights.
In these video lessons Sifu Larry Saccoia explains and demonstrates these principles in a logical straight forward manner so they are easily understood. Understanding these principles as well as the correct way to train the techniques provides the foundation required to apply Wing Chun in a combat situation. These lessons are laid out in chronological manner as to allow the student to build a solid foundation and move forward to advanced studies. Therefore, it is recommended that even if you have previous experience in Wing Chun, you should still start from the beginning of Lesson 1 and work your way through each of the lessons in order. The same principles you might already be familiar with are likely presented (and more importantly, trained) in a way that you may not be familiar with (but that you will come to appreciate).
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