Margaret Paul – Finally, Truly Loving Yourself Advanced Program 2017 – The Shift Network

Margaret Paul – Finally, Truly Loving Yourself Advanced Program 2017 – The Shift Network


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Margaret Paul – Finally, Truly Loving Yourself Advanced Program 2017 – The Shift Network

With Renowned Psychologist, Bestselling Author and Co-creator of Inner Bonding
Margaret Paul

Release the Negativity, Judgment, Fear & Shame That Have Kept You “Living Small” And Discover Deep, Unconditional Love… From Within

Do you take care of others before you take care of yourself? Do prioritize your family’s needs before yours? Do you focus on receiving love from others — more than loving yourself?

What if you were able to bring your attention back to yourself LOVINGLY? And find the love or fulfillment you’re seeking, within YOU?

It’s easier said than done… as you may have discovered.

Even after years of meditating, going to therapy, and participating in personal growth workshops, you may continue to seek love and approval from others.

Very few people have learned how to truly love themselves.

Deep down, you may even feel unlovable. Inadequate. Ashamed. Or feel you need to improve in some way before you can be happy (or before others will love you).

All of these challenges can be traced back to the parts of you that haven’t fully healed — and must heal to create the inner wholeness that you know is possible.

Most people have never seen this level of self-love as healthy examples of self-care and self-love were never modeled by our family, parents or caregivers.

And in our youthful omnipotence, we may have assumed WE were to blame for the, neglect, trauma or emotional abandonment we experienced from well-meaning adults — creating core feelings of shame and unworthiness, and influencing our relationships, creativity and work in the world.

Without healthy attachments, and in an effort to avoid the pain, we formed other attachments — addictions to food, alcohol or drugs, relationships or sex, even media and technology.

Truly Loving Yourself From the Inside

Finding a steady stream of unconditional love from the INSIDE can, thus, seem like an impossible goal. Even if you are a dedicated seeker, you can find yourself struggling with a sense of incompleteness — of not having found the wholeness you’re searching for.

That’s because there is an aspect of your growth and healing that is rarely — if ever — addressed by current approaches: The ability to truly love different parts of yourself and to create a secure inner bond between them.

The lack of this deep inner bonding is at the core of a remarkable number of challenges you might face — ranging from relationship struggles to addiction, anxiety and depression.

Underneath, there is almost always a place where you are rejecting or abandoning yourself, without even realizing it.

Inner Bonding changes all of this…

If you want to experience true freedom, a sense of worthiness simply for being YOU, and authentic relationships that don’t require you give up you for love and approval (which only re-wounds you and puts undue pressure on others!) it’s time to discover true self-love.

Inner Bonding is a proven 6-step process that empowers you to meet your own needs for love and approval. By forming healthy attachments with the parts of you that have felt neglected, ignored or wounded, no longer feel compelled to look outside yourself for relief or healing. You cease “act outing” through various addictions, to cope with the pain of unmet needs or unexpressed emotions.

You finally meet the WHOLE you with unconditional love. You feel worthy of good things. Your life gets bigger and more exciting — and your relationships become more loving and harmonious.

A Proven Process for Healing… and Fully Loving Yourself

Co-created by renowned psychologist and bestselling author of Do I Have To Give Up Me to Be Loved By You?, Dr. Margaret Paul, Inner Bonding begins with compassionate, deep inquiry to access and heal the wounded parts of yourself.

It also requires willingness (as well as curiosity!) to learn from your most vulnerable and painful emotions about your unmet needs — and then meet them as a healthy, present and loving parent would.

The techniques of Inner Bonding are remarkably effective with virtually anyone, and have positively affected tens of thousands of worldwide — including GRAMMY award-winning artist Alanis Morissette, a champion of the Inner Bonding Process.

During the course, Finally, Truly Loving Yourself, you’ll discover the core insights and practices of this groundbreaking approach to unconditional self-love and a deeper connection with the Divine…

Inner bonding really nurtures and fosters the relationship between self and spirit. Personally, it has helped every relationship that I have. I’m so grateful to Margaret for bringing inner bonding to people in the generous, nurturing way that she has.
— Alanis Morissette, Singer-songwriter

Inner Bonding: The Key to Forming Healthy Attachments

Psychology has shown that different levels of secure attachment are essential for a developing child. Without these healthy attachments, we may feel lost, rejected or unworthy, maybe all of our lives…

With or without trauma, virtually all of us reach adulthood with parts of us feeling disregarded, judged or outright abandoned.

Now, though, you can apply the 6-step methodology of Inner Bonding to establish clear, loving connections between these different aspects of your personality as well as your higher Self.

You will be taken through these six steps in a precise way — giving you not only an experience of unconditional love in the present, but the means to keep working with different aspects of yourself in the future.

You’ll discover how to dialogue with your feelings, pain, anxiety, self-hatred and fear, as well as get to the core of self-abandonment and shame. You’ll begin connecting to higher guidance around your beliefs, and take loving actions that reinforce positive shifts.

And you’ll discover how to establish new brain pathways for truly loving yourself.

6 Steps to Inner Bonding

Step One Willingness to Feel Pain and Take Responsibility for Your Feelings
Move into the present moment and focus within, tuning into your feelings — the physical sensations within the body. Choose to be mindful of and pay attention to all distressing feelings rather than protect against them with substance and process addictions. Make a conscious decision that you WANT to take responsibility for your feelings.

Step Two Move Into the Intent to Learn
Invite the compassionate presence of Spirit into your heart to help you learn what you may be doing or thinking that may be causing your pain, or what may be happening externally that needs your attention. When you are in the intent to learn you are a loving adult. When you are in the intent to protect and avoid you are operating from your shame-based ego wounded self, or child-adult. In Step Two, you welcome and embrace all your feelings with compassion.

Step Three Dialogue With Your Wounded Self and Core Self
Discover the thoughts/false beliefs from your wounded self that may be causing your shame, fear and pain; release anger and pain in appropriate ways; learn about the past that created the false beliefs; nurture your wounded self; explore what may be happening with a person or event that is causing the core feelings of loneliness, heartache, heartbreak, helplessness or grief; explore your core Self and what brings you joy.

StepFour Dialogue With Your Higher guidance
Ask your spiritual Guidance (whatever that is for you): What is the truth about the thoughts/false beliefs you may have uncovered in Step Three? and What is the loving behavior toward your Inner Child in this situation? What is in your highest good? What is kind to yourself? Open and allow the answers to come through you in words, pictures or feelings. The answers may not come immediately, but if you have a sincere desire to learn, they will come.

StepFive Take Loving Action
Tell yourself the truth and take the loving action that came through from your guidance in Step Four; put God/Spirit into action. Consciously move into gratitude for your guidance that is always here for you.

StepSix Evaluate Your Action
Check in to see if your pain, anger and shame are getting healed. If not, go back through the steps until you discover the truth and actions that bring you peace, joy and a deep sense of intrinsic worth. These Steps will come alive for you as you learn and practice the Inner Bonding process.

During this 7-week audio training, you’ll:

  • Learn how to share love, rather than get love
  • Gain relief from pain, anger and shame
  • End many unhealthy patterns in relationship
  • Get to the root of what is causing depression and anxiety
  • Discover how to use self-love — instead of food — to fill emptiness
  • Approach new relationships from a stance of fullness, instead of neediness
  • Release and heal outdated beliefs about yourself
  • Move out of stagnation into a life of aliveness, passion and purpose
  • Understand and diminish your addictive patterns
  • Gain deeper insights into, and freedom from, repeating patterns you don’t want — relationship fights, addictions and/or attracting the same type of people
  • Enhance your ability to resolve conflicts and communicate
  • Deepen your spiritual practices by freeing up some of your past so you can rise to higher frequencies more regularly
  • Move beyond feelings of victimhood, powerlessness and hopelessness
  • Learn to love others in a self-responsible and adult way

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week program, Dr. Margaret Paul will teach you how to transform your life through a self-healing process that creates a shift into true self-love and establishes a daily personal connection and dialogue with a loving source of higher guidance.
Each weekly teaching, inquiry and practice session will build harmoniously upon the next, so you’ll develop a complete understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to truly love yourself and share your love with others.

Module 1: Beginning Your Inner Journey (November 9)

In this first session, we’ll explore how, at the deepest level, only two paths in life are available to us: “the path of fear” and “the path of courage and love.” Underlying the choice between these two paths is the moment-by-moment choice of one of two intentions.

You’ll discover:

  • 4 different aspects of yourself that need to be understood and eventually integrated
  • The intent to learn about loving yourself and the intent to avoid pain through some form of controlling behavior
  • Various forms of controlling behavior that stem from self-rejection and self-abandonment
  • How to integrate your essence, ego-wounded self, loving adult and higher Self on another level
  • The 6 Steps of Inner Bonding
  • A practice to make you aware of the consequences of each intention

Module 2: Getting to Know & Compassionately Accept Your Wounded Self (November 16)

In this session, we’ll go deeply into your survival mechanism — the part of you that got you through difficult times as you were growing up. You will become aware of the role of modeling in the formation of your wounded self — and that now needs to heal and transform into a creative ally.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand the false beliefs of your wounded self
  • Become aware of the source of your false beliefs and controlling, addictive behaviors
  • Discover the ways you protect against pain that actually create more pain
  • Recognize how we develop into takers and caretakers — two sides of the wounded self
  • See how shame has affected you and your life choices

Module 3: Connecting With Your Higher Guidance & Discovering Your True, Core Self (November 30)
In this module, you will discover the beauty of who you really are, and begin to develop your loving adult self, who can take loving action on your own and others’ behalf. Through visualization, you will connect with your personal source of spiritual guidance, which will become the role model for loving yourself and seeing who you really are.

You’ll discover:

  • How to define your true, core self
  • Practices for connecting with your loving source of spiritual guidance
  • The difference between operating from your wounded self and loving adult self
  • Access to your role model for loving action

Module 4: Becoming Fully Connected to Yourself in This Moment
Step 1 of Inner Bonding 
You’ll receive a mindfulness process for connecting with your physical and emotional feelings, moving from your head into your body. You’ll discover how to be fully present in this moment, and find the place within you that wants to evolve from your feelings rather than avoid them.

In this module, you’ll

  • Discover what it means to be “willing,” and the false beliefs in the way of your willingness to feel your feelings and learn from them
  • Identify the wounded feelings that we create and how to open to them
  • Understand the core, painful feelings of life that come from others and situations
  • Explore false beliefs about pain and discern between pain and suffering

Module 5: Intent & the Loving Adult
Step 2 of Inner Bonding 
In this session we go deeply into the intent to learn, rather than the intent to control. We’ll explore various means of opening to learning and what to do if anger, blame and resentment are in the way of opening your heart to learning and becoming a loving adult.


  • Enter a deep process of inquiry about the intent to learn about love
  • Learn how to raise your frequency to connect with your spiritual guidance
  • Discover and apply the “power of compassion”
  • Connect with guidance to become a loving adult
  • Going through the “Inner Bonding Anger Process”

Module 6: Your Feelings, False Beliefs & Accessing the Truth
Steps 3 & 4 of Inner Bonding 
You’ll discover a process for dialoguing with your core self and wounded self and your spiritual guidance. This session will engage you in a deep internal dialogue process with your feelings and belief system — and uncover false beliefs that may be causing your pain.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Uncover layers of exploration that enable you to access your unconscious beliefs
  • Ask key questions of your core self and your wounded self
  • Dialogue with your spiritual guidance to heal your false beliefs and resulting pain

Module 7: The Power of Loving Action & Evaluating the Action
Steps 5 & 6 of Inner Bonding 
In this module you’ll explore various kinds of loving actions — actions for yourself alone, and actions in relationships with others. Taking loving action can tap into deep fears, and these will be explored in precise depth. Then, you will learn how to evaluate whether or not the action you took was loving to you.

You’ll discover:

  • The exact nature of truly loving actions, which help redefine your worth
  • Loving actions in relationships and in conflict with others
  • The 2 healthy choices in conflict
  • The results of loving action — relief from guilt, anger, shame, anxiety and depression — and instead, feeling whole, expansive and spacious

The Finally, Truly Loving Yourself Bonus Collection
In addition to Dr. Margaret’s transformational 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course — and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

How to Discover Your Core Gifts: The Key to Deeper Love
Audio Dialogue With Margaret Paul and Ken Page
The true key to finding (and deepening) soulmate love has almost nothing to do with your looks, age or level of success. Nor is it about becoming “irresistible,” learning the skills of seduction, or repairing your flaws in order to become more attractive to your mate. Finding (and deepening) soulmate love comes from discovering and celebrating your most authentic self — the parts of you Ken calls your Core Gifts. In this inspiring dialogue, Ken Page will share in-depth, how to uncover and access your Core Gifts as you discover (and deepen) the soulmate love you’re yearning for. Margaret Paul, PhD and Ken Page each share their most essential insights about the inner healing that leads us to healthy, soul-filling love.
Ken Page, LCSW is a renowned psychotherapist, popular Psychology Today blogger, Huffington Post blogger and author of the bestselling book Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy. He has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine,, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, Fox News, WPIX-TV News The Advocate, The Chicago Tribune and more. Page’s work has been read by millions, and he has led hundreds of workshops on intimacy and spirituality for thousands of participants of all ages, backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities.

The Power of Divine Connection
Audio Dialogue With Margaret Paul and Miranda Macpherson
In this compelling audio dialogue, Margaret and Miranda will be discussing their individual ways of helping people access spiritual guidance. This is where their work comes together, so this is the best topic for each of us to be able help others understand how to access the help that is always here for them.
Miranda Macpherson is a contemporary spiritual teacher, Interfaith Minister and author of the spiritual guidebook Boundless Love. Miranda has been teaching internationally since 1995 and is known for her depth of presence, clarity, and refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred. Miranda is founder of the ground-breaking OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation in London, and today, leads the Awakening Love and Wisdom sangha in Marin and Sonoma counties. She teaches retreats in the United States and in Europe, and is working on a new book, The Way of Grace. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Bob Duchmann.

Inner Bonding Teaching Series
This special audio package consists of four 1-hour sessions with Dr. Margaret Paul answering questions from those engaged in the work of Inner Bonding. Margaret goes into considerable depth exploring many aspects of the journey, the challenges that arise and how to overcome them. These in-depth sessions will be powerful additions to your healing process!

You’ll receive:

  • The ONE Cause of Relationship Problems: Dr. Paul talks about the underlying secret of relationship problems and what you can do to create a loving relationship.
  • Defining Your Own Worth: Dr. Paul discusses what creates high and low self worth and how to define your own self worth.
  • Beyond Neediness: Dr. Paul explains that we become needy when we expect another person to give what we aren’t giving to ourselves.
  • Fear of Intimacy: Dr. Paul explains the underlying fears that cause the fear of intimacy, and how to heal the fear of intimacy.

Inner Bonding Workshop Workbook
In this special workbook that is used in Dr. Margaret’s Inner Bonding workshops, you’ll receive charts, exercises and other helpful sheets, to support you in your learning and healing process throughout the course journey.

What Graduates of Margaret’s Courses Are Saying…

The course was absolutely inspiring and transformative for me. Before taking it I had a good understanding of how Inner bonding works. Now it’s a tool that I use daily. I can help myself with it, I can heal my life with Inner Bonding. Thank you for this gift, Dr Margaret Paul.
— Kati Gabor, Ottawa, Canada

This course was incredibly valuable in more ways than one. What was covered in these few weeks would take over a year in therapy. Here you get an immediate way to key into something that will truly help the individual to heal in a safe way and continue to grow and work on themselves in the process. Completely enlightening and loving! Highly recommend to anyone looking for answers and a deeper understanding of how to help themselves to live a healthier more joyful life. Thank you!
— Susan Barrett, New York, New York

This was an absolutely excellent course. I received a lot of information and experiential opportunities… This course completed the connection with higher guidance and gave me a very powerful way of connecting with my emotional body and being. Thank you so much! As usual, The Shift Network has delivered more than advertised.
— Dorien Bietz

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-minute Class Sessions With Dr. Margaret Paul 
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with renowned author and psychologist, Dr. Margaret Paul — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session will consist of a broadcast of Dr. Margaret’s pre-recorded lecture, guiding you to find unconditional love, presence and self-worth through Inner Bonding. Directly following the lectures, Dr. Margaret will come on live every session for 30 minutes of Q&A time, so you can have all your questions answered.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

The Finally, Truly Loving Yourself Bonus Collection

  • How to Discover Your Core Gifts: The Key to Deeper Love
    Audio Dialogue With Margaret Paul and Ken Page
  • The Power of Divine Connection
    Audio Dialogue With Margaret Paul and Miranda Macpherson
  • Inner Bonding Teaching Series
  • Inner Bonding Workshop Workbook

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Finally, Truly Loving Yourself Virtual Program
We feel honored Dr. Margaret Paul has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a renowned author and psychologist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves, our partners — and our world.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Dr. Margaret’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
If you are serious about recognizing your true worth and discovering your passion and purpose in life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

More Praise for Dr. Margaret Paul…

Personally, it has helped every relationship that I have. I’m so grateful to Margaret for bringing Inner Bonding to people in the generous, nurturing way that she has.
— Alanis Morissette, Singer-songwriter

[Here] is a method for recreating yourself as a powerful, spiritually connected, loving adult self… a powerful method for healing relationship and family conflict, as well as for healing self-destructive and addictive behavior.
— Neale Donald Walsch, Author of Conversations with God

Would you think me crazy if I said there was a single process that could solve all the issues with which we as human beings struggle? [Inner Bonding teaches] a most loving process [that] will take you on a life-changing journey…
— Lindsay Wagner, Actress, author, humanitarian

About Margaret Paul

Dr. Margaret Paul is the author/co-author of several bestselling books, including Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By You ?, Inner Bonding, Healing Your Aloneness, The Healing Your Aloneness Workbook, Do I Have To Give Up Me to Be Loved By My Kids? and Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God? Her books have been distributed around the world and translated into 11 languages.

Margaret holds a PhD in psychology and is a relationship expert, noted public speaker, workshop leader, educator, chaplain, consultant and artist. She has appeared on many radio and TV shows, including The Oprah Show, successfully worked with thousands of individuals, couples and business people, and taught classes and seminars since 1967.

Margaret continues to work with individuals and couples, accessing spiritual guidance during these sessions, which enables her to work with people all over the world. She is passionate about helping people rapidly heal the root cause of their pain, and learn the path to joy and loving relationships.

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