Matthew Pollard – Rapid Growth Academy


Matthew Pollard – Rapid Growth Academy


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Matthew Pollard – Rapid Growth Academy

Rapid Growth Academy download. And, Rapid Growth Academy review.Rapid Growth Academy Free. Then, Rapid Growth Academy groupbuy. Matthew Pollard Author

You are awesome at what you do – there is no doubt about that.

The problem comes in trying to piece together everything else. Networking, selling, pricing, packaging, social media, and differentiation. Basically all the strategies you need to get customers who recognize your value and are willing to pay you what you are worth.

Everywhere you look, you find contradictory advice. One “expert” after another telling you that this is the ONE THING you need to explode your business. The silver bullet that will magically make it a success. You are left trying to figure out which programs to buy. How to piece them together, what to do, and what order to do it in.

It is overwhelming. It is exhausting. It is expensive. And it does not work.

You need a complete blueprint for Rapid Growth.


Is this program only for new businesses?.

Rapid Growth Academy is for any service provider who knows they have the skill, smarts, and determination to run a successful business. And who knows they need an A-Z blueprint to make it happen. Some of our members have been lucky enough to discover the program. As their businesses were just beginning, and some have been struggling for years.

Matthew Pollard – Rapid Growth Academy

Rapid Growth Academy download. And, Rapid Growth Academy review. Rapid Growth Academy Free. Then, Rapid Growth Academy groupbuy. Matthew Pollard Author

What if I still have a full-time job?

If you are looking at Rapid Growth Academy, you are likely interested in going into business for yourself. And, you know there is nothing riskier, more expensive, or more stressful than doing it without a step-by-step plan. Sure, the program might take you a little longer than nine weeks to complete. But when you finally step out of your job, it will be into a Rapid Growth business. With all the foundations and strategies that bring momentum and success. So if you are currently working full time, no problem.

What is the weekly time commitment?

Plan on spending 5-6 hours on Week 1, and 2-3 hours for each week thereafter. That includes watching the videos, completing your action items, and attending the live stream. When you do the math, it works out to less than 30 minutes a day to the business of your dreams.

And by the end of Week 3, you will find that the processes. And systems you have developed save you far more time than you spend on the course.

Matthew Pollard – Rapid Growth Academy

What happens if I can not make the live stream?

No problem – every session is recorded. If you have action items for me to review, or questions to ask, just post them in the group prior to the live stream. I will answer everything for you, and you can watch later at your convenience.

Can I get access to the content faster than one class per week?

Classes are released once per week over nine weeks to prevent information overload and to make sure you follow each step in order.

However, if you want to finish the program faster, you won’t be the first. As long as you’re doing all the work and are on the right track. We will make sure you get the content to keep moving.

What if I take longer?

Rapid Growth Academy is not about doing it fast. It is about doing it right. This is your gateway to a new life. Please do not feel rushed to complete it. You have access to the content forever. Yes, I want you to progress as quickly as you comfortably can. So you can build that momentum and hit your goal. But I also want to make sure you get things right every step of the way. If you have a full-time job or any other competing demand that causes slower progression, no worries. The program is not going anywhere. So take a deep breath and let’s get started!

Matthew Pollard – Rapid Growth Academy

What if I do not want an online business?

This is all about building your dream business – so if you don’t want an online presence, well then, you do not need one.

Many students have achieved growth beyond their wildest expectations – going from earning a few thousand a month to $300K within a year, for example – just through the power of Modules One and Two (the first five weeks of the program).

However, there have also been plenty of people who thought they would never be interested in an online business, who now obtain far more clients online than off. So the choice is yours – but be open to surprising yourself.

What if I get stuck?

While I’ve spent over a year working on this program to make it bulletproof, you’ll likely have a question somewhere along the way that causes you to stop moving forward. This is where, in most programs, you might give up and write the whole thing off.

This is one of Rapid Growth Academy’s key differentiators. When that time comes, the community and I are here to help. We’ve been in your shoes. I’m 100% on board to share my experience and suggest strategies to move forward, whether your block is related to the course material or something else.

Matthew Pollard – Rapid Growth Academy

In the rare case where this doesn’t do the trick, every member gets one hugely discounted hour-long call with me. When the call is needed, there’s never been a time when it hasn’t moved the student beyond the block and back on their path to Rapid Growth.

Can I work with you directly?

Yes, throughout the year I take applications for my signature one-on-one intensive. But if you’re highly motivated, eager to learn, and willing to do the work, the Academy is the way to go. Many of my students initially thought they needed to work with me one-on-one, but surprised themselves with their quick success in the Academy. I know it sounds crazy to down-sell instead of encouraging you to spend thousands more – after all, I’m in business too – but I know that the Academy WORKS, and I’d never recommend paying more than you have to.

Matthew Pollard – Rapid Growth Academy

On the flip side, if you want to cut the learning curve, if you want a customized strategy and implementation plan, if you want to see results even faster, or if you just need answers NOW, my intensive one-on-one program may be a better option for you.

If you’re on the fence, I advise starting with the Academy. If you later decide that you do need one-on-one support, every dollar you spend on the Academy is 100% credited toward working with me. So you have nothing to lose, and could save thousands of dollars for the same outcome.

If you’re still interested in learning more about my one-on-one program, I’d love to discuss working with you.

Rapid Growth Academy download. And, Rapid Growth Academy review.Rapid Growth Academy Free. Then, Rapid Growth Academy groupbuy. Matthew Pollard Author