Michael Breen – Sharpen Your Pitch


Michael Breen – Sharpen Your Pitch


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Michael Breen – Sharpen Your Pitch

Coaches, Consultants And Trainers: Are you struggling to win high quality, high paying, highly motivated clients?

Discover The 5 Step Pitching Process, GUARANTEED To Help You Win More Business, Close Bigger Deals And Sell More Products Than Ever Before!

Dear reader,
I have a question for you…
If you wanted to lose weight, would you go to an overweight personal trainer?
If you wanted to become a millionaire, would you ask a homeless person?
My guess is NO!
In fact, if you have been involved in NLP for even the shortest time, you will know about modeling.
That’s because it’s central to NLP… imodeling subject matter experts, or people who have achieved what you want – to find out how they did it, so you can do it too.
It’s one of the best things about NLP.
In the business world, the experts at pitching are advertising agencies.
(for our purposes, pitching is the set of activities used to win business, or persuade customers to buy your service/product.)
These are the people whose entire business and livelihood relies on them winning pitches…usually against other equally creative and successful advertising companies.
Now, why am I telling you this…

Because Michael Breen Has Been A Pitch Consultant
To Some Of The World’s Best Advertising Agencies.

We are talking some of the biggest names in the industry: GGT, Saatchi & Saatchi, JWT, BBDO, Leo Burnett, OgilvyOne, Bartle, Bogle & Hegarty.
Just think, if advertising agencies (who are the best in the world at pitching) ask Michael for help – what do you think he could show you?
And it’s not just consultancy either.
Michael uses pitching to win business for himself as a trainer, coach and consultant.
As a result:
Michael is now one of only 30 Elite Executive Coaches in the UK trusted by one of Europe leading Executive Coaching firms to serve their clients.
He has worked with global corporate brands including Rolls Royce, British Airways, Barclays, Morgan Stanley, Cadbury, Ford, Jaguar, Amex, HSBC and many more.
And as we already know, Michael and Paul McKenna built the largest NLP Training Company in all of Europe.

These things don’t just happen.
Winning consulting and training work with global brands…winning coaching contracts with executives, celebrities and royalty… attracting tens of thousands of people to seminars.
It’s not easy.
You have to be able convince them that you are the right person.
That you are the natural solution to their problems.
That you are better than the competition.

And that’s exactly what this training course is about!

How Michael Repeatedly Lands
Reputation Building Corporate Consulting Clients,
Regular Executive Coaching Contracts And
Rewarding Training Gigs.

  • Imagine you are one of 5 people pitching for a contract. Your slot is on just before lunch and after the client has sat through 4 other boring, repetitive, power point presentations…. The next thing that comes out of your mouth makes the difference between a huge long term contract and nothing…
  • Or imagine its hot summer’s afternoon, the room you got has no air conditioning and you can already see sweat glistening on your potential client’s forehead – his desire to finish the meeting and leave the room is obvious.

Do you know what to do?
Michael does…
Because these are just some of the situations Michael has faced when pitching for business.
On this training he will guide you through the exact same process he goes through when preparing for a pitch so that you too can handle similar situations with ease.
Over the course of the 2 day workshop Michael will walk you through exactly what you need to do, think about and prepare before pitching for business.
And, how you need to communicate to win the business.
And, that’s not all – the program is filled with real life examples from Michaels own 30 year career as a consultant, coach and trainer.
He tells stories about the difficult situations he faced and the solutions to how he dealt with them.
(these ‘war’ stories alone are worth the price of the product!)
He goes through the various communication models and when you should use them.
He covers what the rules are when pitching in a team…
You can’t learn this in a book – or a master’s degree in marketing… or even an MBA.
You can only know this information after years of real world experience pitching to corporates, governments and CEO’s – that’s how Michael developed it.
And that’s what this course is about – the pitching process that work in the real world and delivers results.
Michael has put this information into a step by step training course that will take you from complete newbie to pitch master extraordinaire!
And, this 5 step process works in any industry and for any client – in fact, as you go through the course you will see that flexibility is built into the process.

Introducing: Sharpen Your Pitch

What You Will Get:
•The complete audio recordings of the 2 day live workshop with Michael Breen
•Including live hot seats of Michael critiquing and refining the audiences pitches (audio download)
•2 hour long interview with me interrogating Michael (audio download)
•Includes more in-depth tools on how to prepare for a pitch
•Includes more ‘war stories’ and real life examples from Michaels career
•Includes questions I thought you would want more information on.
•The manual from the original seminar (pdf download)
•Key information on Synectics – the art of discovering new links and ideas
•Annotated Article on ‘How to Pitch a Brilliant Idea’ so you can learn pitching insights from the best pitchers in Hollywood.
•Includes the 11 Principles Of A Successful Pitch
•Michael’s favourite heurisitics for Pitching
•Michael Breen’s personal Pitching Checklist – all 49 questions you’ll want to answer before you pitch
•A workbook designed by Michael to help take you through the 5 step process and refine your own pitch(pdf download)
•Includes key questions to help you identify gaps in your pitching
•Includes a step by step guide of the 5 step pitching process
•Includes Michael Breen’s personal Pitching Checklist
•How to get inside your audience’s head the right way
•What questions to ask to get deep inside the audience’s mind-set so your pitch lands on target
•The six key questions to ask about your solution so it fits the customer like a glove
•How to build the bridge between the customer’s problem and your solution so they are far more likely to say Yes!
•Takes you through the Synectics creativity process so you can generate brilliant big ideas and hooks to hold your audience’s attention.
And more…

The 5 Step Process
Over decades of pitching across multiple industries from advertising to finance, from pharmaceutical to government, from the technology sector to celebrities and entertainment bosses, Michael has discovered there are five aspects to pitching.
These five aspects are always present when a pitch is effective.
These are:

By far the most important step in the process. Because, if you don’t know who you are talking to, what their problems are, and what they need – nothing else will work.

How to design an offer that solves your audience’s problem.
This will take you away from throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks…
To making it so that your solution is the only choice and the right choice for your audience!

3 The Bridge
Use the lost art of Synectics to create a memorable analogy that sticks in your clients mind and stands out from your competition.
This module is about connecting your Audience with your Offer using the same creativity process used by Madison Avenue Ad Agencies.

Are you pitching to an individual or group, who are the other competitors, is it suit and tie or shorts, what time is the pitch, what does the room look like, what questions should you ask the client…
Step 4 is all about preparing for the pitch everything you should know before you take one step into that room.

How to deliver your pitch and create a memorable experience for your audience.
Communication strategies for persuasive influence, thinking on your feet, reading your audience and winning business.

What People Say About Sharpen Your Pitch

Al Konigsfeld, USA
“Most of my career has been in training (so sales sealed the deal before I ever got involved). Now that I am self-employed, having the tools to do what sales and marketing used to do for me has proved invaluable.
I really enjoyed the development of Avatars based on my prospective customer and the brainstorming exercises from coming up with more imaginative pitches.
As a result my pitches are much more well thought out and well targeted.”

Sascha Henning, Berlin, Germany
“Im my opinion this is one of the best trainings that Michael has done. It is easily followable, skillfully packaged by Michael and a joy to listen to. It also motivates to use the skills, practice them and get really good with having new creative ideas!
Sharpen Your Pitch has given me a new and very different point of view. Just when I thought I am really good with things I do, it has again boosted me to new levels of communication.
It is a very practical course, easily followable with high usability.”

Bob Harper, UK
“For anyone who is serious about developing the foundational skills required to really grasp the meaning behind the technology known as NLP, you are in the right place.
The simplistic teaching style of Michael Breen is the essence that stands behind Michael’s genius…. These training sessions are worth thousands … in whatever currency you use, and it’s all for pennies, and the beauty is no matter where you are in the world you will feel you are training one-on-one with “the” modern day master trainer.
If you are just starting out in the world of NLP, that could prove to be an advantage; if you have attained some level of skill already, be prepared to chuck some of that out with the trash!”

Graham Jones, Somerset, UK
“I’d recommend this training as a concise and precise method of gain practical knowledge on how to pitch like a professional.”

Helmut Jegust, Aachen,Germany
“This training is much much more than a selling course. You learn to aim at your customer, understand her/him much more and to be creative in your presentation and it is no rocket science!.”

Michael Richard, USA
“I’ve been through the course approximately 30 times already…it’s like an old American breakfast cereal commercial, “Just can’t get enough of my Sugar Crisps…”
Shapen Your Pitch is amazing for marketing, sales and, well just about any other human interaction!
[As a result of applying what I’ve learned some big wins include] … Best marketing letter to date…best meaning highest response rate…oh yeah! Used PMI to totally disarm the local Devil’s Advocate in our business and the group that was there watching we’re blown away…great reframe tool in that case…are you getting the idea I’m just a little “stoked” with the results!”

To your success,
Tom O’Connor

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