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Neuroplasticity & Proprioception Roles in Fall Risk Reduction – Michel (Shelly) Denes


Neuroplasticity & Proprioception Roles in Fall Risk Reduction – Michel (Shelly) Denes


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Neuroplasticity & Proprioception Roles in Fall Risk Reduction – Michel (Shelly) Denes

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Neuroplasticity and neuroprotection provide us with a brain that can adapt not only to changes inflicted by damage but also to experiences. With this understanding, we can intervene to help with balance, gait and reducing fall risk in our patients. Proprioception is also an integral part of movement, somatosensory input, gait and balance that is impacted by aging and disease as well. We can intervene to help the somatosensory input to ultimately reduce fall risk. Evidence shows that early interventions lead to the best outcomes.

Shelly Denes, PT, CFPS, C/NDT, is an expert in fall prevention and neuro-rehab with more than 25 years of experience treating patients with hemiplegia, neuromuscular disorders, TBI, and SCI. She has a special interest in COVID-19 ‘Long Haulers’ and advanced technology as she has been involved extensively with neuroprosthetic devices, lower extremity orthotics, and exoskeleton robotics. Shelly travels nationally to present dynamic, hands-on professional training seminars and shares her expertise through expert witness work. Shelly earned her certification in Neurodevelopmental Treatment for Adult hemiplegia (NDT) at the Rehab Institute of Chicago and earned certification as a Fall Prevention Specialist with Evergreen Certifications and sits on their advisory board.

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