Nurses in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Work and Home Strategies to Reduce Your Stress, Fear and Frustration with Sara Lefkowitz


Nurses in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Work and Home Strategies to Reduce Your Stress, Fear and Frustration with Sara Lefkowitz


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Nurses in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Work and Home Strategies to Reduce Your Stress, Fear and Frustration with Sara Lefkowitz

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Nurses in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Work and Home Strategies to Reduce Your Stress, Fear and Frustration

Nurses in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Work and Home Strategies to Reduce Your Stress, Fear and Frustration with Sara Lefkowitz

In the midst of uncertainty, chaos, fear and crisis, those on the frontlines are delivering their best to patients. The work is hard and long. Physically and emotionally exhausting. This pandemic is like no other we’ve experienced. Triaging patients. Shortages of protective gear and lifesaving equipment. Patient assignments sometimes becoming unthinkable. Safety concerns for patients, yourself and…your family. It’s taking a personal toll. The risk for burnout is high.

Sara Lefkowitz, MPA, BSN, RN, is passionate to share her insights when it comes to the intense feelings of compassion fatigue that so many nurses are experiencing. Nurses can be highly critical of their own performance, when things don’t seem quite…perfect. Learn some immediately helpful self-soothing techniques that will help with your internal kindness and the ability to regain calm in the middle of these incredibly busy days. The emotional intensity of nursing situations and dynamic relationships with patients, families and coworkers can create a sense of overwhelm. Unprocessed emotional experiences may result in the nurse replaying workday scenarios and emotions long after they have happened. Sara has strategies to help digest these emotions in a healthy way…so that you can relax, find peace, focus and sleep well.

Come together for this recording with fellow nurses from across the country. Connecting frontline heroes from various geographies, departments and settings, all understanding that there is a need right now to process the heaviness of their current pandemic experiences and emotions.

Read more: Telehealth Techniques for Evaluation, Assessment and Intervention

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