Philip Goldberg – The Yoga of Intuition & Creativity – Collection


Philip Goldberg – The Yoga of Intuition & Creativity – Collection


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Philip Goldberg – The Yoga of Intuition & Creativity – Collection


The foundation of this eminently practical course is a core yogic teaching, succinctly stated in the Bhagavad Gītā: “Established in Yoga, perform action.” The actions we’re concerned with here are knowing and creating. We’ll learn to develop our natural capacity for intuitive insight, discovery, prediction, and illumination, as well as our ability to marshal and express creative energy with friction-free ease.

Intuition and creativity are at the heart of every successful human endeavour, from ordinary choices to ground-breaking decisions, from mundane problem-solving to life-changing innovations, from everyday insights to monumental revelations, from useful ideas to breakthrough inventions to world-class art. And they are especially important in times of uncertainty and unpredictability. When we function from the deepest levels of awareness we’re guided by subtle GPS-like impulses; when we’re not so attuned we go astray. The course aims to help us gain, secure, and stabilize that access.

Intuition and creativity favor the quiet mind, and quiet mind is a chief aim of deep yogic practice, per Patanjali’s famous definition: Yogash chitta vritti nirodhah (Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind). This is not just aspirational; it’s practical and applicable. The course features yogic methods for securing the stillness from which intuition and creativity fluidly flow. It also includes methods for stimulating and directing intuition and creativity for specific purposes; overcoming obstacles to knowing and creating, and balancing intuition and creativity with rationality and discipline. In that context, we’ll learn to employ the yogic attribute of viveka to discern the difference between the deep mind’s authentic gifts and imposters fed by fear or wishful thinking.

Module 1: Sādhanā – Accessing the Mind’s Deepest Silence
The opening module grounds the course in the crossroad of the spiritual and the practical. We’ll discuss the research on intuition and creativity and their various forms. And we’ll establish meditative practice as a foundation for liberating our latent capacities for both their inherent joy and pragmatic purposes. We’ll sort out the differences among various approaches to meditation and mindfulness and learn a deep but simple method we’ll use in every session. We also explore various ancillary practices for cultivating inner silence.

Module 2: Sankalpa – Intention and Optimal Conditions
Intuitive revelations and creative ideas can’t be forced or coerced into being. They come as gifts, like Grace. What we can do is invite them in and prepare ourselves to receive them as honored guests. In this module, we’ll work with ways to orient the mind’s antennae in a desired direction and to make ourselves receptive to the output—kind of like planting seeds or programming a GPS. We’ll also touch on the karmic importance of what we desire and ask for.

Module 3: Sākṣī – Witnessing the Flow
Intuition and creativity spring from the quiet depths of the mind as faint feelings and formless impulses, gradually becoming more concrete. Recognizing them early and watching them unfold is key to corralling them and channeling them into use. This module focuses on maximizing receptivity using methods from psychological research and yogic tradition, e.g., the subtle practice of saṃyama and the capacity known as sākṣī, or witnessing.

Module 4: Upāya – Skillful Follow-Up
Let’s be real: some apparent epiphanies are bogus and some mind-boggling ideas turn out to be useless. The rubber meets the road when intuition and creativity are evaluated and/or put use in decision-making, problem-solving, and invention. In this module, we’ll integrate subjectivity and objectivity, inspiration and realism, imagination and judgment. The yogic virtue of viveka, discernment, will be explored, along with ways to distinguish intuitive and creative wheat from the chaff of deception and self-sabotage.

Students who take this course will:
Cultivate the quiet mind from which intuition and creativity spring.
Maintain inner silence in the midst of turbulence, pressure, and uncertainty.
Master a deep, effortless, and effective meditation technique rooted in the yogic tradition.
Become maximally receptive to spontaneous insights and creative ideas.
Orient the intuitive mind to address specific questions and problems.
Liberate and guide dormant creative energy.
Integrate inspiration and application with skillful discernment.
Develop the inner “witness” to observe and gather the bounty of mind and heart.
Align individual awareness with Universal Consciousness.


Philip Goldberg

Philip Goldberg has been studying the worldÕs spiritual traditions for more than 45 years. He is the author or co-author of some 25 books published in more than a dozen languages. His book American Veda was named by Huffington Post and Library Journal as one of the Top 10 Religion Books of 2010; it was followed in 2018 by the popular biography The Life of Yogananda. His most recent book is the timely Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times. He blogs on Spirituality & Health and Elephant Journal, cohosts the Spirit Matters podcast, and leads American Veda Tours to India.

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