Robot Wealth – Trade Like A Quant Bootcamp


Robot Wealth – Trade Like A Quant Bootcamp


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Robot Wealth – Trade Like A Quant Bootcamp

Effective, high-probability quant trading for the independent trader.

0 – Enrolment and Initiation3 Topics

  • Lesson Content
    3 Steps
    Welcome to Trade like a Quant
    Logistics – Where Does it All Happen?
    Welcome from James – What Do I want You to Get out of the Course?
  • 1 – Seeing the Market for What it Really is
    Lesson Content
    31 Steps
    On Not F**king Spiders
    Is Trading a Game We Can Lose?
    Trading Too Often – Every time you trade you lose money
    Trading Too Often – Exercise
    Trading Too Often – Exercise Solution
    Trading too Big – Don’t get Rekt
    Trading Too Big – Exercise 1
    Trading Too Big – Exercise 1 Solution
    Trading Too Big – Sizing and Volatility Trade-Offs
    Trading Too Big – Exercise 2
    Trading Too Big – Exercise 2 Discussion
    Trying to be a Hero
    Try to Lose at Trading!
    Understanding the Mortal Sins
    Is Trading a Game We Can Win?
    Edge, Expectation and Luck
    Price Discovery – The Balancing of Supply and Demand
    Price Discovery Examples
    Price Discovery Examples: The Limit Order Book
    Price Discovery Examples: The Batch Auction
    Price Discovery Examples: Auction Exercise
    Price Discovery Examples: Auction Exercise Discussion
    Price Discovery Examples: The Regular Trading Session
    Price Discovery Examples: The Constant Product Automated Market Maker
    Price Discovery: The Competition for Alpha!
    The Problems of Non-Stationarity and Adverse Selection
    Understanding the Mayhem: Experimenting with Random Data
    A High-Level Business Plan for Your Trading
  • 2 – Stonkingly Obvious High-Probability Edges
    Lesson Content
    23 Steps
    Stonkingly Obvious High-Probability Edges
    ETF Arbitrage
    ETF Arbitrage: Exercise
    ETF Arbitrage: Exercise Solution
    Stablecoin Creation / Redemption Arbitrage
    Stablecoin Creation / Redemption Arbitrage: Exercise
    Stablecoin Creation / Redemption Arbitrage: Exercise Solution
    Terra / Luna Arbitrage
    Market Making
    Commodity Carry (in the past)
    Risk Premia Harvesting
    Risk Premia Harvesting: Why are we confident in it?
    Risk Premia Harvesting: Strategy Implementation
    Risk Premia Harvesting: Strategic Sizing
    Risk Premia Harvesting: Rebalancing
    Risk Premia Harvesting Exercise: Design your Strategy
    Risk Premia Harvesting: How you’re gonna screw it up
    Risk Premia Harvesting in 2022: What happened?
    Pairs Trading in Equities
    Crypto Stablecoin Lending, Basis Effects and Other Yield Plays
    Crypto Basis Arbitrage in Perpetual Futures
    Summary: What Do These Approaches Have in Common?
  • 3 – Inefficiencies and Where to Find Them
    Lesson Content
    30 Steps
    Inefficiencies and Where to Find Them
    “Win-Win” Games
    “Win-Lose” Games
    Why Are Traders Prepared to Trade at Inopportune Prices?
    The Competitive Market for Dumb Money Alpha
    “Win-Lose” Games You Might Be Able to Compete At
    “Elevator Pitches” for Inefficiencies
    Edges and Strategies
    Edge: Speed Advantage: HFT Latency Arb and AMM Arbitrage
    Edge: Information Advantage: Discretionary Equity Investment
    Edge: Front Runnin’ Flows: The FTX Leveraged Token Rebalance
    Edge: Front Runnin’ Flows: Seasonal Regularities in FX, Stocks and Volatility
    Edge: Dispersin’ Dislocations: Spreading, Curve Trades, Vol Arb, Liquidations
    Edge: Positioning Imbalances: Trading Futures Rolls. Short Squeezes
    Edge: Exploiting Mistakes: Corporate actions, Derivatives Pricing Mistakes
    Edge: Behavioural / Structural Effects: PEAD and Crypto Trend
    Exercise: Specify a Crypto Trend Strategy
    Some Turn-of-the Month Flow Games
    The Rebalancing Game
    The Window Dressing Game
    Looking for Evidence in the Data
    The Window Dressing Game – Data Analysis
    The Window Dressing Game Summary – Strategy Rules
    The Rebalance Game – Elevator Pitch
    The Rebalance Game – Data Analysis
    The Rebalance Game – Strategy Rules
    Explore the Flow Effects App
    Exercise: Define your own strategy rules
  • —Consolidation—
    Lesson Content
    2 Steps
    Interlude: Pair Trading and Statistical Arbitrage Lecture
  • 4 – Working with Financial Data
    Lesson Content
    12 Steps
    Working with financial data
    What data do you REALLY need?
    Understanding how your data maps to the real world
    Downloading daily price data from yahoo finance
    Using ChatGPT to write code to pull data from free APIs
    Very gentle introduction to running R in google colab
    Validating Price Data
    Dealing with daily log returns
    Looking at seasonality effects over the whole data set
    Looking at date subsets
    Exercise: do we see this same effect for different, similar assets?
    Summary: Working with Financial Data
  • 5 – Research Mindset and Data Analysis Techniques
    Lesson Content
    9 Steps
    Data Analysis – Mindset and Techniques
    Real-time research Example: Analysis of Equity VRP
    Simple Analysis Techniques: The assumption of persistence: Lags, Leads, Overlaps and Scatterplots
    Simple Analysis Techniques: Time Series Return Prediction
    Simple Analysis Techniques: Cross-sectional Return Prediction
    Simple Analysis Techniques: Luck and Stability
    Simple Analysis Techniques “What else would explain this?”
    Consolidation – Review of techniques used
  • 6 – Simulation, Portfolio Construction and The Fine Art of Sitting on Your Hands
    Lesson Content
    13 Steps
    Simulation Example: RP Harvesting
    Simulation Example: Window Dresssing
    Simulation: Doing Statistics Even When You Suck at Math
    Portfolio Zen
    Get Clear on Your Objectives
    Managing Strategy Volatility Contribution
    The Real World: Constraints
    The Real World: Not All Strategies Are Created Equal
    Simple Portfolio Example
    Relax and Trust The Market Gods
    There Will Always Be More Trades
  • Guide to the Bonus Material
    Lesson Content
    1 Steps
    Guide to the Bonus Material
  • Bonus Material: Embrace the Mayhem Videos
    Lesson Content
    11 Steps
    Embrace the Mayhem Initiation Intro
    (The Only) Two Ways to Make Money Trading
    Collecting Risk Premia
    Exploiting Market Inefficiencies
    (The Only) Two Ways to Make Money Trading – Summary
    Pick the Easy Games
    The Easy Games – A Taxonomy of Edges and Strategies
    Pick the Easy Games – Summary
    Run it Like a Business
    Run it Like a Business – Summary
    Trade More Sh*t
  • Bonus Material: Options, Volatility, Tail Hedging and Navigating Market Chaos
    Lesson Content
    16 Steps
    Volatility Dynamics
    Options and Implied Volatility
    The VIX Index
    VIX Futures
    VIX Basis Dynamics
    A Dynamic Model of the Basis
    A Dynamic VIX Basis Trading Model
    Volatility of Volatility as a Predictor of Volatility Returns
    Putting Strategy Rules Together
    Dashboard and Strategy Simulation
    2022 Review and Alternative Implementations
    Specifying a Time-Varying VRP Harvesting Strategy
    Tail Hedging
    Dealing with Chaos: A Market Crash Survival Kit
  • Bonus Material: Trading Strategies Covered in Previous Iterations of the Course
    Lesson Content
    5 Steps
    Crypto Basis Arbitrage: An Introduction to Forward Contracts and Futures
    Crypto Basis Arbitrage: Cryptocurrency futures on FTX
    Crypto Basis Arbitrage: Perpetual Futures on FTX
    Crypto Basis Arbitrage: Perpetual Futures Basis Effects
    Crypto Basis Arbitrage: Homework
  • Bonus Material: Exploratory Data Analysis Using Excel
    Lesson Content
    5 Steps
    Data Analysis 1: Get TLT Daily Prices from AlphaVantage API
    Data Analysis 2: Calculate Day of the Month and Daily Log Returns in Excel
    Data Analysis 3: Group by Day of the Month and Plot Mean Returns for Each Day
    Data Analysis 4: Explore Date Subsets and Look for Consistency of the Effect
    Data Analysis 5: Time Series Plots
  • Bonus Material: Market Basics
    Lesson Content
    12 Steps
    Two Fundamental Concepts
    The Stuff We Can Trade
    Embracing the Mayhem
    You’ll Never Figure It Out
    The Paradox of Market Efficiency and Randomness
    Embracing the Mayhem – A Practical Summary
    What is the “Price” of a Stock?
    The Limit Order Book
    A Trading Day – Trading GE on the NYSE
    The Pre-Open and Opening Auction
    The Regular Trading Session
    Log Returns
  • Bonus Material: Doing Financial Data Analysis in R
    Lesson Content
    3 Steps
    Objects, Functions and Pipes in R
    Tidy Data and Switching between Wide and Long Format
    Financial Data Manipulation in dplyr for Quant Traders
  • Bonus Material: Examples of Real-Time, Exploratory Research
    Lesson Content
    5 Steps
    Real World Research Examples
    Research Example – Cryptocurrency Trend Effects
    Research Example- Intraday Cryptocurrency Return Patterns
    Research Example – Wrap-up Trend, Seasonality and Momentum Effect Research
    Research Examples – Summary
  • Bonus Material: Simple Cryptocurrency Research in R
    Lesson Content
    6 Steps
    An Introduction to Cryptocurrency Trading
    Cryptocurrency Trading Module Logistics
    Repeating Seasonal Patterns
    Trend and Momentum Effects
    Futures Basis Effects
    Trade Execution and Idiosyncratic Effects
  • Bonus Material: Dynamic Sizing in Risk Premia Harvesting
    Lesson Content
    10 Steps
    Our Stonkingly Obvious High-Probability Edge: Risk Premia Harvesting
    Some Things Just Go up (If You Wait Long Enough)
    Universe Selection
    Equal Weight Buy and Hold
    Equal Weight Rebalanced
    Simple Risk Parity – Managing Volatility
    Predicting Returns and Return Volatility
    An Introduction to Volatility Targeting
    Volatility Targeting in the Real World
    Our Simple Risk Premia Harvesting Strategy

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