Roy Furr – Story Selling Master Class


Roy Furr – Story Selling Master Class


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Roy Furr – Story Selling Master Class

You’ve heard stories sell

This is how.

Long before I became an A-list copywriter, I kept hearing from all the greats that “story sells.” The only problem was that when I tried to tell a story in my sales message, it didn’t work. I liked my stories, but they never seemed to move my prospects any closer to the sale.

In fact, when I was in college, I’d taken a class on writing modern short stories. I had my head handed to me by the instructor, because, he insisted, “Readers today just wouldn’t give this story the time of day.”

I knew there was a huge disconnect between how I used stories, and how the real pros did it. I thought…

“If only I could close that gap and figure out how to effectively use stories in my marketing and selling messages, I’d have the keys to the kingdom.”

And so I spent nearly a decade learning, testing, refining, and perfecting the use of stories in selling.

I studied the greats. Both what they did, and what they taught. I went outside of business, and studied the best fiction storytellers. I applied what I learned, and importantly, I kept track of what I could repeat in nearly any selling situation.

I turned the vague directives of “use stories to capture emotion” and “show, don’t tell,” into specific processes and easy templates to follow.

I wanted to make it so easy that I could go back and teach myself, when I was brand new to marketing and copywriting, how to use stories like a master. I figured that if I made it so simple that the beginner, incompetent-at-marketing, earlier version of me could do it, a lot of others who had any level of marketing and selling experience could also do it.

I identified brand new principles of effective story selling. For example, the 3 Pillars of Highly-Effective Story Selling. Nobody has ever taught this stuff before me. But I based my entire program on it because it will take you from 0 to 60 faster than any other approach.

The Story Selling Master Class is THE most comprehensive program on using stories to sell in your copywriting, marketing, and selling messages.

This are the exact story selling skills I use today to create million-dollar-plus marketing campaigns and sales messages for my clients. These are the story selling skills I mastered in my path to becoming a sought-after A-list copywriter. (I hate using that term, but copywriters I call “A-list” have used it to describe me, so I use it here.)

And now, you can increase the sales and profits from your selling and marketing messages using these exact same skills.

Story Selling Master Class Preview Videos

Video: Why Becoming A Master Story Seller Will Transform Your Life (49:30)

Video: Real-Life Case Studies of Story Selling at Work (1:09:59)

Video: Overcoming Road Blocks To Story Selling Success (1:08:15)

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Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Story Selling

Video Lesson (1:17:43)

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Lesson 2: Building An Attractive Character

Video Lesson (1:21:03)

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Download: Character Worksheet

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Lesson 3: Selling Stories Templates, Part I

Video Lesson (58:46)

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Download: Story Templates Master (Contains ALL story templates taught throughout the Story Selling Master Class)

Download: Invention Story Template

Download: Backstory Template

Download: Amazing Discovery Story Template

Download: I Saw The Light Story Template

Download: First Person Testimonial Story Template

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Lesson 4: Selling Stories Templates, Part II

Video Lesson (1:10:18)

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Download: Personal Product Use Story Template

Download: Orphan Story Template

Download: Conspiracy Story Template

Download: Parable Story Template

Download: Tiny Story Template

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Lesson 5: Using Stories In Marketing And Selling

Video Lesson (57:17)

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A Quick Request

A Quick Request

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Lesson 6: Wrap Up & Your Path To Mastery

Video Lesson (1:04:35)

Share Your Thoughts

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BONUS: 5 Proven Selling Story Templates

Video: Introduction (12:12)

Video: Origin Story (15:47)

Video: News Story (15:29)

Video: Secret Mentor Story (13:39)

Video: Incredible Transformation Story (11:18)

Video: Case Study Story (10:33)

Video: Final Thoughts (7:02)

Download: 5 Proven Selling Story Templates (Contains just these 5 story templates)

Download: Origin Story Template

Download: New Story Template

Download: Secret Mentor Story Template

Download: Incredible Transformation Story Template

Download: Case Study Story Template

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BONUS: “Look Over Shoulder” Video: Titans of Direct Response

Video Lesson (1:45:46)

Download: Titans of Direct Response promo with Story Selling Master Class Notes

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BONUS: “Look Over Shoulder” Video: Object 2014-28E

Video Lesson (1:45:49)

Download: Object 2014-28E promo with Story Selling Master Class Notes

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BONUS: Questions to Ask Clients

Download: Questions to Ask Clients

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