The Missing Piece to Treating Children’s Anger & Social Skills Deficits: Innovative Emotional Intelligence Curriculum with Bryan Anderson


The Missing Piece to Treating Children’s Anger & Social Skills Deficits: Innovative Emotional Intelligence Curriculum with Bryan Anderson


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The Missing Piece to Treating Children’s Anger & Social Skills Deficits: Innovative Emotional Intelligence Curriculum with Bryan Anderson

Anger & Social Skills Deficit download

The most misunderstood and poorly executed intervention is anger management. The most sought after, and most varied intervention for children is social skills. But why is this the case? Why aren’t these topics more frequently intertwined? And why do we wait so long to provide children support in this area?

Learn how to effectively use an emotional intelligence curriculum, designed by your instructor, to effectively address both anger and social skills deficits. You will discover the benefits of this curriculum for children as young as 4 years old, and how it helps them manage their anger, cope with disappointments and frustrations, and even learn how to be good friends. Case studies and group roleplays will give you a much deeper understanding and appreciation for how to use stories, illustrations, and re-enforcers to teach the Good Choice Wheel, a visual tool that embodies 4 coping strategies that every child needs.

Readmore: Certified Clinical Trauma Professional

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