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Troy Ericson – The Email List Management Certification

Troy Ericson – The Email List Management Certification


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Troy Ericson – The Email List Management Certification

The Email List Management Certification Program:
Join 301 other copywriters who have ’traded in’ their one-off low-paying copy gigs for
$2k… $3k… even $5k email retainers that pay out every single month, on autopilot…
While helping their clients or employers have record-breaking months of $20k, $50k, or even $100k+ in email revenue…
Before I share with you how to join, let’s be brutally honest about copywriting.

The life of a copywriter is stressful:

– You have to fight for jobs that dozens of other highly qualified writers are applying for. You hope & pray that you get chosen. Usually, you don’t

– If the client does reach out to you, they haggle you down on your per email rate or want you to work hourly.

– They don’t usually pay you 100% up front.

– Then you work on writing the emails in a Google Doc & turn them in on time.

– Then the client asks you to make a bunch of revisions. It’s something little that probably won’t make a difference. But you keep going back & forth to make them happy. Sometimes they even ask you for extra little favors.

– When you follow up about getting paid, the client doesn’t give you a straight answer.

– Maybe they pay you. Maybe they don’t.

– You never find out how your work performed. Which means you can’t get paid rev share, even if your copy CRUSHES for them.

– So you vow to never work with that client again.

– And even if the project does go well, they usually don’t need your services again for awhile.

– Which means you have to spend more time trying to find another client to replace them.

And the cycle repeats itself over & over & over.

You live a life of feast or famine. Some months are great, others, not so much.

In fact, you spend more time hunting for new copywriting clients than you do working. Which doesn’t pay the bills.

My name is Troy Ericson…

… And if you can relate to any of what I just said, I’m going to show you how to stop working with ‘little league’ clients…

And build true & lasting partnerships with REAL businesses who happily pay $2-5k/mo for Email List Management.

I’ve used Email List Management to collect over $3,640,000 in my business since 2020.
Now, I’m not promising that you’ll make that much. In fact, most people won’t.

BUT… I do have a LOT of students who use Email List Management to get amazing results for their clients… and make $10k, $15, or even $19k per month:

I’ll show you more success stories in a moment…

But first, you’re probably wondering how we do it.

Me & my students use a strategy called ‘Email List Management’, which works like this:

– Get paid $2-5k PER month, up FRONT.

– Sign into the client’s ESP (where they send emails from)

– Write that day’s email.

– Do a quick ‘deliverability check’.

– Send the email.

– Repeat each day for 1 month.

– At the end of the month, get paid rev share bonuses.

– Client pays you up front for month #2.

– Rinse & Repeat for months or years to come.

It really is that simple.

Here’s one of my clients that’s been paying me $5,000 per month since 2020 because I consistently help them make tens of thousands of dollars from their email list each month:
It’s honestly not much harder than being a copywriter.

Instead of just writing copy, you’re actually providing 3 services in 1:

1. Writing & sending an email each day.
2. Deliverability (making sure the email doesn’t go to spam or the Promo Tab)
3. Automation & Strategy (helps the client make money on autopilot)

Numbers 2 & 3 can be done in the first week. After that, you’re basically writing & sending one email for them each day.

Like I said, being an Email List Manager is not much harder than being a copywriter, but you’re IMMENSELY more valuable than a copywriter.

Assuming an Email List Manager does a good job, clients will continue to pay $2-5k per month because it’s 10x easier than going back & forth with a copywriter who doesn’t understand deliverability, automations, or strategy.

The deliverability piece ALONE can make your clients up to twice as much compared to working with a copywriter (think about it – if twice as many people see the emails, about twice as many people buy).

I mean… Why wouldn’t a business owner hire an Email List Manager over a regular ol’ email copywriter?

You save them so much time & stress while making them tens of thousands of extra dollars per month.

It’s a no-brainer for them to pay you up front every month, plus performance bonuses to keep you incentivized.
‘Email List Management’ is exact strategy I used to go from making $3,700 per month up to $31,000 per month in my first year:

In the summer of 2019, I was freshly graduated from a small college in the middle-of-nowhere Ohio, with a degree that I’d never use.

I was living across the street from my school in the downstairs of a $250/mo apartment with some ugly chairs on the porch, a crooked mailbox, and the floorboards coming up…


Honestly, I was mainly just disappointed that I’d failed as a college baseball player & was constantly bombarded by my parents about “getting a real job.”

That same year, I’d stumbled across copywriting and scrapped & fought my way closing to 2 clients that I wrote ad & email copy for.

I was making $3,700 per month & thought things were going okay.

But one day, I got the ‘message of doom’ from one of my clients…

“We need to talk.”


They told me the ads & emails I wrote weren’t making very much money.

So my client told me I was fired.

But I couldn’t afford to lose them. Somehow, I mustered up the courage to fight back.

“No. You can’t fire me. I’m going to figure this out.”

I begged & pleaded…

I asked what went wrong since they never gave me a hint that my copy wasn’t converting.

And after talking to my client for the next few minutes… They admitted that their emails were going to the spam folder…

Something that I had NO control over… it wasn’t my fault.

So I told them I would sign into their email sending software & fix the problem for free… In hopes that I would somehow figure it out & not get fired.

Frankly, I didn’t know how. But at least they agreed.

But with a few weeks of research & paying a mentor for help, I eventually solved the spam issue & started writing emails on my own without my client asking.

Normally, this client was only making about $13k/mo from their email list.

But after I’d fixed the spam issue & started writing better emails & automations…

They made it it to $51k per month… Nearly a 4x!

So it’s safe to say they not only kept me on board…

But they upped my pay from $1,700 per month… To a $3,000 RETAINER.

That’s when I knew I was on to something. I nearly DOUBLED my rate… And this time it was a MONTHLY RETAINER!

So I offered to do the same thing for my other client.

I signed into their email sending software so I could write their emails, improve their deliverability, and build automations for them.

And sure enough, they started making more money. So I got a raise from them too.

Then they started referring me to other clients – and my service caught on quick.

A lot of my clients started making multiple 5 or 6 figures per month from their email lists…

Eventually, I named the service ‘Email List Management’ – and by April 2020 (less than a year later), I reached a total monthly income of $31,048:


I remember telling my mom how much I’d made that month & watched her jaw drop to the floor in disbelief. That was more than she made in 6 months!

That year I’d made $409,000 all by myself. 4x more than my parents. And they finally realized that I was doing better than a “real job”.

Over the course of 2021, I eventually couldn’t handle all the clients by myself, so I hired a team to help me handle the bursting pipeline of clients.

In 2021, we made $2,000,000 (most of which was collected on Stripe):

… While working with some of the coolest people in the industry…

Taylor Welch, Jason Capital, Chris Evans, Sam Ovens, Joel Marion, Justin Goff, & Stefan Georgi – just to name a few…

I upgraded from a Jeep to a Jaguar…

Bought a house with a dock on the water in Florida with the love of my life, Julia…

And we get to travel to some pretty epic places…

None of this is to brag or to say that I’m better than anyone else. I’m not.

I’m just showing you my personal story… And what ‘Email List Management’ did for me.

Because soon after all of this…
Copywriters started asking me over & over to share my ‘Email List Management’ strategy.

At first, I never wanted to teach what I was doing to other people – it was such an advantage for me.

But as hundreds & hundreds of copywriters began to ask – I realized that EVERY online business in the world needs help with their emails…

And there was NO WAY I could serve millions of businesses on my own.

But it wasn’t until a few months ago when I finally decided to reveal the entire ‘Email List Management’ strategy from A-to-Z.

So I spent an entire 3 months from March to May 2022 laying out the exact A-to-Z ‘Email List Management’ strategy into the world’s first program on ‘Email List Management’…

And today I’m going to pull back the curtain & show you everything:
Here’s a glimpse inside the Email List Management Certification Program:

Here’s what the platform looks like after you log in:

At the top, you’ll see there are 4 Tabs:

1. Classroom

3. Calendar
4. Leaderboards.

1. We’ll start with the ‘Classroom’ Tab, or as many people would say, “Course”. However, this isn’t just a course. But it does contain a course.

All 6 modules are designed to take under-appreciated and under-paid copywriters… To 6 figure earning Email List Managers in a matter of months.
Here are all the lessons under each module:

Module #1: The Mindset of an Email List Manager

1.1: Copywriting vs Email List Management (Why does ‘ELM’ make more money?)

1.2: ‘ELM’ Success Stories (PROOF that you can be next)

1.3: The $30k/mo Mindset + Productivity Hacks

1.4: How to use this Program & where to find HELP!


Module #2: How to Write High-Converting Emails

2.1: Finding Endless Writing Ideas (Research Hacks)

2.2: The 5 Types of Emails That Work Over & Over

2.3: The 7-Point Checklist to Perfect your Emails

2.4: Unique Subject Lines, From Names, & Link Hacks

2.5: How to Create NEW Promos (even better than holiday sales)

2.6: How to run a Launch (Huge $$$ Potential)

BONUS: Ecom Emails w/ Brennan Hopkins

BONUS: Affiliate Emails w/ Christian Davis

BONUS: Edit Old Emails to be New Again w/ Jerrod Harlan

BONUS: Quick & Easy Split Test Wins w/ Jerrod Harlan

BONUS: SMS Marketing w/ CJ Flood

BONUS: Sample 30 Day Content Plan

BONUS: Email Paramedic Swipe File of 100+ Best-Performing Emails

Module #3: Bulletproof Strategy & Automation

3.1: My Exact Email List Management Strategy

3.2: What to do when you sign into an ESP

3.3: Broadcasts vs Automations

3.4: The Key Automations You Must Set Up ASAP

3.5: Automatic ‘Follow Up’ Emails (Extra 12% Sales)

3.6: Creative ways to make HIGH-ticket sales

3.7: How to think about Stats (even after iOS 15)

3.8: How to Track Sales (and get paid bonuses)

3.9: Grow your Email List for Free (Re-engagement)

BONUS: Make Money when people Unsubscribe

BONUS: 7 Figure Company’s Email Marketing Strategy

BONUS: My Exact Email Automation Templates

BONUS: My Exact Email Stat Tracking Sheet

BONUS: My Exact Client Research/Onboarding Document

Module #4: Deliverability

4.1: How much can you make w/ better Deliverability?

4.2: How to tell if you have Email Deliverability Problems

4.3: What causes Good or Bad Email Deliverability?

4.4: How to avoid the Gmail Promo Tab (Anti-Promo Tab Code – up to 2x open rates)

4.5: How to get out of Spam, Pt 1 (DKIM/SPF/DMARC)

4.6: How to get out of Spam, Pt 2 (Segmenting)

4.7: How to get out of Spam, Pt 3 (Faster Results)

BONUS: Email Deliverability Q&A

BONUS: How I got my first ‘ELM’ client out of spam

BONUS: How to choose or migrate your ESP

Module #5: How to quickly find & close CLIENTS

5.1: You’re only 3-5 clients away from $10k+/mo

5.2: What to Offer & How Much to Charge

5.3: Personal Branding – Avoid ‘Client Turn-Offs’

5.4: Upsell your past/current clients into ‘ELM’

5.5: Getting Referrals & Testimonials w/ Brian Speronello

5.6: The right way to get clients from Social Media

5.7: My ‘Ask & Show’ Client-Getting Strategy

5.8: Cold Emails that get Clients w/ Andrew Hodukavich

5.9: My Personal Sales Script (for calls or messages)

5.10: How to set up all the ‘Client-Closing Tools’

5.11: Payments, Contracts, & Onboarding Templates

BONUS: The Email Paramedic Certified Job Board

BONUS: How to Get Clients w/ Sean Ferres

BONUS: How to transition from a Job to Freelancing

Module #6: Going from freelancer to business/agency owner

6.1: How I went from 0–>7 Figs (and my plan for 8)

6.2: Freelancer, Agency Model, or Business Owner?

6.3: Creating a UNIQUE High-Ticket Offer

6.4: Should you create a low ticket info-product?

BONUS: How I “easily” 5x’d a client’s business

BONUS: Facebook Ads with Loren Pinilis

BONUS: YouTube Ads with Brian Moncada

AI Module: The BEST ways to use AI

1. How to write your 1st (or next) GREAT email w/ AI

2. Research & Write for New Niches/Clients

Best of all, when you finish going through the course content, you’ll see that there’s an Email List Management Certification Test at the bottom:

This is really important because everyone who chooses to take the test & passes, will become a Certified Email List Manager & get featured on EmailListManagement.com!

Here’s a sample profile that showcases your name, bio, niches, location, test score, wins, and contact information:

EmailListManagement.com is the #1 place on the internet to hire Email List Managers. And you’ll be featured on the site once you pass the test.

Plus, you’ll get access to our premium Email List Management job board, chock-full of clients who are ready to hire you:

You’ll also receive an NFT that verifies you are certified – so you can share it with prospective clients that you find on your own or on other networks:

I can’t tell you how many times business owners come to me, telling me how hard it is to find a GOOD copywriter or list manager. Well, this solves that problem.

But like I said, this is not just a course.

4. Best of all, there are prizes in the ‘Leaderboards’ Tab.

And at the end of each month, I see who the top 3 people are on the point leaderboard & send them a prize in the mail:

For example – Bobbie, Rachelle, and Whitney won in May (when this screenshot was taken) & received prizes in the mail.

So, to recap…

And it’s by far the best email training money can buy.


Here’s what some of our initial members had to say after just 1 month:

Like I mentioned, our members have paid thousands of dollars to be here & they’re super happy they did.

On that note…
Let’s go over pricing:

This isn’t a cheap program.

This program is more expensive than a course, but cheaper than a full-on mastermind. You know, the masterminds that cost $15k, $20k, or even $30k per year.


That means you’re getting all the SAME value as all the full-on masterminds (if not more)…

The only difference is that we don’t have live events (which saves you a LOT of travel expenses).

But like I said, although this is less expensive than a full-on mastermind…

It’s still more expensive than a course. Courses are usually $297 – $3,000.

But most importantly, courses don’t have the kind of RESULTS that I showed you above.

And in most courses, it’s not realistic to make an extra $100,000 per year by working with only 3-5 clients.


So that’s why this one is understandably more expensive.

Here’s why it’s VERY important that you apply to join the program today:

Look, I don’t need to use a bunch of ‘fake scarcity’ and ‘today-only discounts’ to try & convince you to join.

After reading this page, you should already be convinced whether or not you want to join.


If you think you are a good fit to join…


Because the price goes UP every time someone joins the program.

Which means that every day you wait to join, you’re costing yourself more money.

And if you decide to wait a few days, weeks, or months to join… Imagine how much the price will go up by then?

The price increase is a simple way for me to reward those who take action quickly… while weeding out the people who are “all talk, no action”.

It’s not worth the risk of waiting.


Especially since each client you earn typically pays $2-5k PER MONTH.


That means, when you implement what you learn, you’re already ROI positive after 2-3 clients. Or by keeping one client for 2-3 months.

And realistically, if you hit the average goal of making an extra $100k over the next year, then that’s roughly a 20x return on your investment.

Even if you don’t make $100k, and you do 10x worse, you still made $10k, which is roughly double the investment.

So it’s really hard to mess up. In order to fail, you’d have to join & do nothing.

If you’re the type of person who joins programs & does nothing – then this isn’t for you.

But if you’re the type of person who joins programs & takes action to make an impact on your own life & your family’s lives…

Then this IS for you.

I mean, why would you want to wait and “think it over” anyway?

Your pay isn’t going to go up by itself.

Inflation isn’t going to slow down.

Your family isn’t going to stop pestering you about making more money.

Your car isn’t going to upgrade itself.

Those vacations & memories aren’t going to create themselves.

And that one goal in the back of your head that you haven’t told anyone about… That’s not going to come true if you don’t take action on it.


So in order to find out how serious you are (and whether or not you’re a good fit for the program)…

Simply click the blue button below that says ‘Apply to join the Email List Management Certification Program’.

Then just fill out the short application.

The application helps us keep the quality of the program high.

We only want people who are going to take this seriously. And there are no a-holes allowed. Everyone in the program is friendly, helpful, and pleasant to (virtually) hang out with.

If you’re not sure if you’re a good fit, I would encourage you to apply anyway since it doesn’t cost anything to apply.

Me & McCullen on my team (you’ll meet him in a second) personally go through EVERY application.

We’re not desperate for anyone’s money. If you’re not a good fit, we’ll be honest with you. We turn down over 40% of the applications that come in so no one’s time gets wasted.


And if you’re concerned that you may not have the money…


If you’re accepted, we also have payment plans available that make the investment easier.


And truthfully, you don’t have to join the program for more than 1 year, unless you want to, of course.

When your year is up, we don’t automatically bill you for the second year. We make sure to ask you first. So you never get a surprise on your credit card statement.

Again, we don’t need anyone’s money. We want to make sure everyone in the program is excited to be there.


So, like I said…

To apply…


Click the blue button below that says ‘Apply to join the Email List Management Certification Program’.

That button will take you to the official application. It takes less than 5 minutes to fill out. If you “don’t have the time” to fill it out, you’re probably not a good fit.

This is what the application looks like:

So you might as well apply since the longer you wait, the more you pay. There’s no harm in applying to at least find out if you’re accepted & find out the current price to join the program.


That’s all I have to tell you. Click below to apply now:


Click the blue button below that says ‘Apply to join the Email List Management Certification Program’.

Apply to join the Email List Management Program
As a recap, here’s what you get:

✅ The entire Email List Management Course & Test

Just remember that the price goes up every time someone else joins. So click the blue button below & apply today!

Oh, and here are 14 more success stories if the 25 above weren’t enough:

Ciaran, from Ireland, closed a $12k/mo client:
Andy, a musician from the UK, went from homeless to 5 clients in 1 month:

Disha, from India, makes 6 figures per year:
Mary, a stay-at-home mom from Ohio, makes $10k/mo:

Daniyal, a medical student from Pakistan, makes $5k/mo working a few hours per day:

Omi, from Nigeria, made $160k for her client:

Alex, from Cyprus, realized he had his first $10k month DURING this interview:

Isaiah, a musician from Utah, makes $12k/mo:

Johanna, a former social worker & new mother from New Jersey, makes $10k/mo:

Isaak, a former retail employee from Minnesota, makes $11k/mo:
Bertie, from the UK, makes £100,000 per year:

Eric, a freelancer from Texas, makes $16k/mo:
Beau, a digital nomad, makes $13k/mo:

Whitney, a mother from Ohio, makes $10k/mo:

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