Using EMDR Across the Lifespan with Robert Tinker
Using EMDR Across the Lifespan with Robert Tinker
Using EMDR Across the Lifespan download
This is will be a discussion of research starting at age one and ending with issues related to dying, EMDR can be effective across a wide spectrum of human problems. We will examine how EMDR is used with traumatized children, in phantom limb pain, after motor vehicle accidents and other discrete traumatic experiences, in dissociative clients, and with pain issues, using data from scientific studies, videotaped demonstrations and case histories. We not only have brain pre-and post- neuroimaging studies of EMDR treatment, but also have been able to demonstrate neurobiological shifts during the session itself, making EMDR a form of treatment with neurobiological shifts within a single session, as well as over time; not only with PTSD, but also in phantom limb pain.
Read more: The Power of Mindfulness as Practice
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