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Parkinson’s Disease with A Perfect Balance: A Practical Approach to Intensive Exercise for Both Brain and Body with Kara Doctor


Parkinson’s Disease with A Perfect Balance: A Practical Approach to Intensive Exercise for Both Brain and Body with Kara Doctor


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Parkinson’s Disease with A Perfect Balance: A Practical Approach to Intensive Exercise for Both Brain and Body with Kara Doctor

Parkinson’s Disease with A Perfect Balance download

From the initial symptom to diagnosis, Parkinson’s disease affects many aspects of an individual’s life, including sense of smell, facial expression, voice volume, ability to swallow, stiffness of the muscles, gait, balance, digestion, salivation, and fine motor control. With the alarming rate of PD being diagnosed to patients younger and younger, clinicians need the right tools at their disposal to combat this degenerative disease.

It is our job as clinicians to educate those diagnosed with Parkinson’s how to begin exercising in a way that will benefit their brain, their cognition and potentially slow the progression of the disease. Understanding the symptomatology of Parkinson’s is important in developing an effective exercise program for each individual.  Progressive, vigorous exercise has been shown to slow the decline in quality of life in people with Parkinson’s. Through this lab-intensive recording, you will discover effective strategies to teach your patients that they can use in their day-to-day struggle with Parkinson’s.

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