2-Day: Certificate in Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Lab-Based Course for Assessment, Clinical Decision-Making and Evidence-Based Treatment


2-Day: Certificate in Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Lab-Based Course for Assessment, Clinical Decision-Making and Evidence-Based Treatment


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2-Day: Certificate in Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Lab-Based Course for Assessment, Clinical Decision-Making and Evidence-Based Treatment

Colleen Sleik PT, DPT, OCS, NCS, began her journey into the specialized care of vestibular rehabilitation patients after evaluating a patient that she felt ill equipped to help. She needed to know more. Recognizing and treating BPPV itself is quite straightforward. However, the care becomes much more complex for patients that are experiencing something that was initially thought to be BPPV or for those who have multiple conditions impacting their overall presentation. Advanced learning is required to understand how the systems function as a whole. This course was developed with these challenging patients in mind.

The course begins with assessment and treatment techniques for BPPV, including a lab component to practice technique, hand positioning, and patient-specific modifications. You will become skilled to better recognize BPPV and subsequently recognize the presentations that do not fit the BPPV pattern. Further assessment and treatment of the non-BPPV diagnoses will also be addressed through functional assessments and treatment progressions.

You will walk out with a deeper understanding of assessment, treatment techniques, patient-specific modifications, and differential diagnosis skills for the dizzy patient. Take your skills to a new level when you can pinpoint the areas where therapy can intervene to promote the desired functional gains for patients and the strategies to appropriately progress patients through each of those areas.

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