Brainwave Research UK – The InnaPeace Brainwave Guidance Program


Brainwave Research UK – The InnaPeace Brainwave Guidance Program


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Brainwave Research UK – The InnaPeace Brainwave Guidance Program

Discover why thousands are flocking to what experts are calling “the most advanced self-development method known to human kind”

  • Experience feelings of inner peace, joy and tranquility within 7 minutes of laying/sitting down comfortably and pressing PLAY
  • Live a more centred, at ease, balanced and confident life as the heavy burden of the past is carved away and you release worries of the future
  • Increase mental functioning and enjoy the benefits of whole brain synchronisation (boost focus, IQ, clarity, retention, concentration)
  • Release anxiety, stress, panic and other nervous tendancies and start to enjoy your life again
  • Enjoy an effortless and highly pleasurable daily relaxation period and feel the benefits and results grow more each day like a snowball effect
  • Deepen your connections with family and friends and enjoy more meaningful and rewarding relationships with those you care about
  • Experience an unshakable sense of inner peace and happiness that positively impacts every aspect of your life creating big waves of positivity
  • Look & feel more youthful, experience a turbo-boost of energy and enjoy feeling great about the new you that emerges
  • Sky-rocket your career opportunities, professional life, earning potential and immediately boost your value to the marketplace
  • Release your brakes by becoming more consciously aware so you can remove mental blocks that’ve always held you back
  • Enjoy the comments and compliments of others. Feel great when you are asked “what’s your secret to becoming so much calmer and happier?”
  • Normalise mood and other dysfunctional mental states and live a happier, more productive, peaceful and balanced life
  • Enjoy deeper more restful sleep and wake up feeling fully refreshed – No more wasted mornings feeling like a zoned-out-zombie
  • Enjoy the proven benefits of deep meditation states without the usual years of hard work and discipline of a traditional meditation practice.

A Proprietary Brainwave Guidance Program: InnaPeace™
InnaPeace™ is a series of CD-quality audio tracks with soothing sounds of nature and pleasant tones for relaxation and meditation.

Embedded within each progressively deeper track are multiple proven Brainwave Guidance (BWG) technologies. These BWG components are virtually inaudible to the ear, yet harmlessly absorbed by the brain

Each deeper InnaPeace™ track also includes comprehensive support material, a document which explains how to achieve the maximum benefits from this breakthrough brainwave guidance technology and what to expect at each stage.

The brainwave guidance technology (3xPureTone™) built into InnaPeace™ is so cutting-edge, it’s unlike anything else in many respects.

Now here’s an illustration of the brain before and after using InnaPeace™ brainwave guidance technology. It shows the process of synchronising the brain’s activity into alignment toward whole-brain-thinking:
Each InnaPeace™ brainwave guidance audio track contains a different target brainwave frequency, which takes you into deeper states of meditation as you progress through the program.

Much like you don’t become an athlete overnight, your brain needs time to develop.

When starting an exercise program, your muscles, heart and lungs can only handle so much. You start slow and work your way up to higher intensity.

InnaPeace™ strengthens and develops your brain similarly, starting with the higher Alpha frequencies … then deeper into Theta … eventually even deeper into Delta.

The following chart shows the 4 mental states and their associated brainwave patterns as InnaPeace™ takes you deeper into meditation:
A small taste of some benefits you can expect within your first 15-30 days of beginning the InnaPeace program

  • You develop the mental mastery to take control of your thoughts and emotions – and by doing so, you become the conscious creator of your life experience.
  • You become attuned to your intuitive, creative, limitless right-brain self as the two brain hemispheres synchronise and reorganise at a more powerful, higher level of cognition: this synchronicity promotes whole-brain “genius thinking” that will allow you to reach any goal you desire and achieve the success of your wildest dreams.
  • You feel a unity with the energy of the cosmos (with all there is). Some people describe a “lightness of being” or a sensation that they are no longer physical beings but energetic beings; where the sense of separation (the cause of most of humanity’s anxiety) dissipates and is replaced by profound peace and joy.
  • Your mind becomes free of the incessant chatter that keeps you stuck in negative loops of thought patterns. In time you will develop the highly coveted “quiet mind” of long-time meditators. This is something that must be experienced in order to be understood
  • You release the stress that causes you to react instead of respond; causes you to make rash decisions; causes strained relationships, poor health and mental chaos. InnaPeace also raises your stress threshold. With the development of a higher stress threshold comes grace under fire, the ability to see other perspectives, feel more compassion toward others andyourself, and to live life with greater happiness and contentment.
  • You develop the ability to be more aware of yourself. You become aware of beliefs and thought habits (and the resulting actions) that need to be released. Sometimes awareness is all it takes to release a limiting belief; if the belief is firmly entrenched, awareness lets you carve at it until the limitation is released completely. Our beliefs (limiting and otherwise) reside in the subconscious mind – outside our conscious awareness. If you can’t see it, you can’t change it – so awareness of the subconscious thoughts during meditation lets you see what needs changing.

The InnaPeace program is not only a superior brainwave guidance technology 

  • Many personal development books/programs teach you to “become a better version of yourself” or to “ become the person you are meant to be” – Discover why you don’t need to change “into” anything and how your InnaPeace practice will gently chip-away and uncover the real, wonderful, authentic, infinitely perfect YOU that’s already inside! – (see Page 4 – InnaPeace Guidelines)
  • How to use InnaPeace brainwave guidance technology to help you lift the hood so you can see what needs fixing. And the reason why you MUST become a fascinated but non-attached and non-judgmental observer of yourself – (see Page 10 – InnaPeace Support Letter No.1)
  • Learn why it’s encouraged to let your InnaPeace practice be about nothing; not controlling, fixing, changing, monitoring or even deliberate awareness. Just being. – (see Page 20 – InnaPeace Guidelines)
  • The REAL reason most of us feel fearful, distrustful, competitive, and lonely and how a combination of logical and creative forces that you already posses will easily (extremely easily) overcome these painful, unwanted feelings – (see Page 21 – InnaPeace Guidelines)
  • Discover the side of the brain that’s responsible for most stress and anxiety you feel and how InnaPeace promotes left/right brain synchronisation which is responsible for a deeply peaceful state where you become aware of a lightness of being – (see Page – 22 InnaPeace Guidelines)
  • Learn why the process of releasing is just as important as the experience of acquiring. And how your authentic inner self (which InnaPeace helps you reconnect with) already knows what needs to be released so that you can be/feel truly free. – (see Page 10 – Welcome document)
  • The 2 critical settings you must change on your audio player to make certain ALL/ANY brainwave guidance audio technology performs correctly and gets you the positive RESULTS you seek – If you’ve ever tried brainwave guidance before chances are high that you listened incorrectly – (see Page 7 – InnaPeace Guidelines)
  • What to do on those days when you’re strapped for time but you still want to enjoy the benefits of InnaPeace brainwave guidance technology – (see Page 10 – Welcome document)
  • Discover the “orderly” trick for when you feel uncomfortable while sitting still especially if you’re mind is racing and you can’t disengage from your to-do list – (see Page 10 – Welcome document)
  • How to acknowledge all your personality traits and character flaws, and love yourself anyway. – (see Page 11 – Welcome document)
  • How to release the emotional sting of past events and memories. And the “scientific” way that when used breaks you out of the vicious cycle of emotional discomfort and pain within 90 seconds – (see Page 12 – Welcome document)
  • Learn why your first 30 days of InnaPeace may be calming, interesting, uplifting, silent, spiritual, uncomfortable, educational, noisy, peaceful, joyous, thrilling, weird, inspiring, profoundly revealing… or something else entirely – Discover all the things you can expect and why they are ALL absolutely unique to you – (see Page 2 – InnaPeace Support Letter No.1)
  • How to use your job and other daily activities to measure your progress towards a more joyous and peaceful life. And discover why a book without any words inside can become your greatest treasure. (see Page 6 – InnaPeace Support Letter No.1)
  • Discover how to carve away layers of unwanted emotional/mental garbage and reveal fascinating new aspects about yourself you didn’t know existed. And as you release your authentic self, you’ll free yourself to pursue your highest ambitions, unburdened by the past. – (see Page 8 – InnaPeace Support Letter No.1)

Learn more about the science of this unique brainwave guidance technology and discover why InnaPeace is the most effective brainwave guidance program on the planet
Superior 3xPureTone™ Brainwave Guidance Audio Technology
3xPureTone™ brainwave guidance technology (used in InnaPeace) is unlike anything else.

While the majority of developers of brainwave guidance sessions include multiple target brainwave frequencies within a single session, we only use one pure frequency in each session, for example, 12Hz throughout the whole session.

The science of brainwave entrainment says that it takes approximately 7 minutes for the human brain to “entrain” to an external frequency. When one or multiple frequencies are moving up and down or changing, it’s not possible for the brain to (lock on) entrain to any specific target frequency.

This is why Brainwave Research UK only use one specific frequency on each InnaPeace session. The target is easy for the brain to entrain to offering the listener the benefit of easily entering in to the chosen brainwave range every time faster and more efficiently.

The other important difference is that we not only use Binaural Beat technology (which makes up 90% of similar brainwave sessions), we also combine Monaural tones and Isochronic tones together. This 3 pronged entrainment approach is another reason why the 3xPureTone™ brainwave guidance technology offers the listener so many more benefits than simple Binaural Beat technology.

Finally, we only offer our brainwave technology in the highest possible MP3 quality (320Kbps). The majority of brainwave sessions available online are highly compressed so that the file sizes are lower and easier to transmit online.

The problem with this compression is it basically snips away part of the files and in the case of brainwave sessions, part of the brainwave technology is snipped away too. This compression (snipping away) renders the brainwave entrainment technology less effective the more the file is compressed.

(For example: if you ever tried a brainwave guidance session from YouTube, that would have been output to you at the highly compressed 126Kbps audio rate making the brainwave session much less effective because almost 2/3 of the brainwave audio technology was snipped away during the compression process)

This is why we only offer the maximum quality possible MP3 files, it’s the final reason that make our 3xPureTone™ brainwave guidance InnaPeace sessions light years ahead of anything else you may have tried before.

  • Access to the highest quality 320Kbps MP3 files for a superbly effective brainwave guidance experience
  • Only targets one PURE frequency on each InnaPeace session for a fast and easy brainwave entrainment effect
  • 3 proven brainwave guidance technologies combined offering a superior experience with or without headphones

Respected Professor of Auditory Neuroscience Recommends InnaPeace
What could be more validated? InnaPeace brainwave guidance technology is recommended by medical professionals, therapists and neuroscientists!

Professor Mark Gabriele

Auditory Neuroscientist
James Madison University USA
“I noticed myself experiencing genuine peace, calm, and awareness just minutes into an InnaPeace session”
I am an auditory neuroscientist by training and have been practicing meditation for years.

Based on mounting evidence in the field of neuroscience and my own personal practice, I am a firm believer in the many benefits meditation can have on the mind and our consciousness. For obvious reasons, I was interested in the InnaPeace brainwave technology and how it might impact my own personal journey.

The primary thing I noticed from the audio brainwave program was how it enabled me to more quickly settle into a peaceful and mindful space.

With my conventional approaches, it often takes 30 minutes or more for me to detach from the flurry of daily thoughts and anxieties. Increasingly as I progressed through the program I noticed myself experiencing genuine peace, calm, and awareness just minutes into a session.

More importantly, I became more adept at taking this feeling of interconnectedness and wellbeing from the cushion to my daily activities. After all, isn’t that the goal?

I am in less of a hurry these days and more tuned into the present moment, nature, and those around me.

Given the busy lifestyle many of us lead these days, few have time to devote hours a day to mindfulness practices and traditional meditation. InnaPeace in my mind is an invaluable tool to help us more quickly access an awakened state that can be elusive to even the seasoned meditator.

But don’t take my word for it, life’s a journey … find out for yourself!
“I was a science teacher for 30 years – I love the science backing InnaPeace”
“I became calm and my life purpose became clear”
“I am much more relaxed and make better choices because of that”
It’s simple and easy to enjoy the benefits of InnaPeace anywhere with the FREE complimentary APP for ALL smartphones and tablets
We wanted to make InnaPeace super-easy for you to enjoy and benefit from wherever you are so we developed a FREE complimentary APP. You are emailed APP access links and login details instantly after you become a member of the InnaPeace program.
Alternatively  you may access your InnaPeace brainwave guidance technology via ANY web browser through our online members area. Great for when you only have access to your computer/laptop.
Benefits of the complimentary APP:

  • Play your InnaPeace brainwave guidance audio sessions wherever you are (No internet connection needed)
  • Access the support materials that accompany the InnaPeace program anytime

The results from the InnaPeace Program are the same from Brazil to Australia… …Bigger smiles, happier lives, more peaceful and joyful people
What could be easier? InnaPeace takes just 20-30 minutes per day sitting or laying comfortably while listening to pleasurable sounds of nature!

“Results have been nothing short of spectacular”
Josh Denning

Sydney, Australia

“I truly am at peace & my life is back on track”
Dr Val Zhrin

Queensland, Australia

“I am more calm and self confident than I’ve ever been, and am much more aware of myself than I used to be”
William Acosta

Vancouver, CANADA

“You have truly transformed me into a more grateful, peaceful and productive person”
Lesley WaterkeynCape Town, South Africa
“My whole perception of everything is on a completely different level”
Daniel Schröcker

Munich, Germany

“Rapid positive change is possible using InnaPeace – it’s an absolute bargain”
Jim Rylander

Bozeman, Montana, USA

I feel like I´ve just started a journey to a whole new perspective of life”
Fernando Bueno

Sao Paulo, Brazil

“A general improvement in overall well-being”
Rachel Brown

London, England
Don’t take our word for it. Listen to these highly satisfied clients
What could be easier? All it takes is a simple 20-30 minute daily listening of our proprietary InnaPeace brainwave guidance technology!

“The guidance from my assigned InnaPeace is beyond my expectations”
AK Abouasleba

Doha, Qatar

“The more you feel the benefits, the more you want to use it”
Dr Adrain Massey

Oxford, England

“With InnaPeace, I’m much more focused, calm, intuitive, and creative”
Angela Johnson

Dallas, USA

“Amazing payoffs mentally, physically, & emotionally”
Brian Davis

Charlottetown, Canada
“I tried a wide variety of the entrainment options and InnaPeace is the only one that I have used til the end”
Matt Willcocks

Sutton, UK

“InnaPeace has given me the calm and focus to successfully manage my life”
Hans Friedli

Zurich, Switzerland

“Not only has your program given me better sleep and an inner peace, your personal support throughout has been excellent.”
Louise Hillman

Albany, Australia

“It’s proven to be a sort of secret weapon in battling anxiety”
Barbara Lippert

New York , USA

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