Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor – Into Your Genius


Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor – Into Your Genius


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Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor – Into Your Genius

Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor – Into Your Genius, Into Your Genius download. And, Into Your Genius Free. Then, Thinking Into Results groupbuy. Thinking Into Results review, Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor Author

Week 1: Imagination
Your Imagination is possibly the most potent faculty you possess. Most people understand that their imagination exists, but they remain completely unaware of how to use it’s power to transform their life.

In this first audio lesson, Bob and I help you discover how to harness your imagination in ways that will advance you toward your goals, dreams and desires with lightening speed.

Week 2: Intuition
Your intuition speaks to you at a spiritual level, and it’s strongly connected to the realm of infinite consciousness, intelligence and awareness.

It is when we are disconnected from our intuition that we feel “rudderless” in life.

But when you learn how to properly connect to this internal guidance system, as Bob and I show you how to do, you’ll begin feeling more guided, purposeful, clear and confident about what direction to move in next, in any aspect of your life.

Week 3: Will
Your third mental capacity, will, is completely different than willpower.

Willpower is inconsistent and forceful, while your will is used calmly and confidently.

Your will is your ability to stay focused on what you would love, instead of allowing your thoughts to be pulled toward what you DON’T want. Maintaining this connection to what it is that you desire, no matter what is going on around you, is the secret to masterful manifestation.

Week 4: Memory
Most people think of memory in terms of recall. But would it surprise you to know that your memory actually works forwards AND backwards?

Most human beings are never trained in how applying their forward memory can help support them in the pursuit of their dreams!

In this lesson, Bob and I reveal how to use your memory to “future pace” the results you want, so that you can then live into that vision for your future. We also guide you through how to play a mental game called “Back to the Future” that will help you take a quantum leap toward whatever it is that you desire quickly and easily.

Week 5: Reason
There are two types of reason – “ordinary reason,” what most of us have been trained in, and then there’s “extraordinary reason,” which is what all highly successful people operate from, which is based on your infinite potential.

In this lesson, Bob and I share how you can apply extraordinary reason to build a life that’s based on the statement, “You become what you think about.”

You’ll also learn how working smarter (and not harder) is the secret to accomplishing more in less time, and with fewer resources!

Week 6: Perception
Whether you realize it or not, you are actively using your faculty of perception in every moment of every day.

Readmore: HERE !

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