Michael Breen – 30 Days To Masterful Nlp Anchoring


Michael Breen – 30 Days To Masterful Nlp Anchoring


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Michael Breen – 30 Days To Masterful Nlp Anchoring

Discover The Field’s Best-Selling. Step-By-Step. Anchoring Training. Program That Teaches You How To Anchor In ANY Sensory System & Everyday Contexts. So You Can Dramatically Become. A More Skillful Communicator in 30 Days Or Less…

Discover The Field’s Best-Selling. Step-By-Step. Anchoring Training. Program That Teaches You How 
To Anchor In ANY Sensory System & Everyday Contexts … 

So You Can Dramatically Become. A More Skillful Communicator …in 30 Days Or Less… Entirely RISK FREE

Dear Reader,

Anchoring is one of the most useful skills any communicator can learn. But…

Have you ever found yourself confused about what anchoring is and how it works?

Or wondered how to use anchoring in everyday real-world situations? Like in the office, meetings, with friends and family or clients?

Have you ever found yourself confused about what anchoring is and how it works?

Or wondered how to use anchoring in everyday real-world situations? Like in the office, meetings, with friends and family or clients?

Have you ever lacked the confidence in your NLP skills; specifically in how anchor others with ease?

Do you get nervous when you try to anchor others in a social or work situation?

Do you worry that your anchoring will be ‘caught’ or wonder if it is clumsy, so you hold-back, afraid of looking silly?

Have you ever set an anchor and felt fear come up as you got to test the trigger, because you’re afraid the anchor just won’t work … yet again. And felt tightening in your chest with disappointment?

So much so perhaps you’ve given up in trying to anchor all together, well…

If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you …

You are NOT alone.

In fact all of the above are COMMON EXPERIENCES I’ve heard from surveying thousands of NLP students!

So if you unsure, unaware, confused, doubtful about what anchoring is and how to use it like the pros.

Tens of thousands of NLPers feel the same way.

In fact, if you were anything like me before I discovered the secrets to this skill, there may even have been times when you completely forgot to anchor!

Perhaps you were nervous you were going to get caught and just didn’t know how to translate anchoring as it’s typically presented in a training to how to use it in everyday contexts.

I know I did. And so do countless others.

Heck perhaps you’ve been in a conversation and didn’t even notice what the other person’s anchors were. This happens even to trainers of NLP!

It’s not your fault.

Either way, anyone with basic experience in NLP knows that anchoring is     one of the most important and useful skills you can learn in all of NLP!

Yet, up until recently there hasn’t been a step-by-step home study system that teaches you the secrets to anchoring like elite master trainers…

Why Learn Anchoring?

NLP anchoring is an incredibly versatile and useful skill for anyone.

With it you can…

  • Access, amplify and leverage powerful states in others
  • Influence people deeply at an emotional and unconscious level
  • Become a far more skillful coach, consultant or business professional
  • Do advanced change, persuasion and influencing work covertly
  • Work more effectively one-on-one, or with groups
  • Catalyse resources, evoke optimal states and move people to action
  • Help people make better decisions 
Yet incredibly, few have learned how to fully use this powerful toolset!
But Here Is The Problem…

Up until recently the primary way to learn anchoring was to attend a multi-day expensive NLP Practitioner training course, which could often set you back thousands of dollars and require you to invest between 7 and 21 days of your time.

And then; you’d typically only learn how to anchor someone by touching them on the knee!

If you learned anchoring this way you probably saw a demonstration of this type of anchoring by the trainer – which was highly effective when demonstrated in a seminar room.

However, with some NLP experience, you will have realised that, while this may work well in a seminar situation…

It is not very practical in the real world.

Note: when I say real world, in this context I am referring to daily interactions at home or in business context.

In a coaching/therapy context some people will use the anchoring methods mentioned to great effect, but why be limited to only being able to do kinaesthetic anchoring?

So What Does Work 
In The Real World?
This is the question that I sought to answer when we created the field’s best-selling anchoring training. 
I didn’t want something that created more theory but a programme that gives people specific SKILLS that you can IMPLEMENT right away to dramatically increase your anchoring results. 
But first I needed to get answers on…
  • How do I use anchors in my job?
  • How can I fluently AND intentionally anchor others?
  • How do I ‘steal’ other peoples anchors?
  • How do I create any anchor I want, in any situation?
  • How do I remember to anchor and keep track of my anchors?
  • Most importantly… how do I do all this WITHOUT leaning over and touching people on their knee?
These Are The Questions I Took To 
Master Trainer Michael Breen 
Meet Michael Breen 
One  of the industry’s most well respected
Executive Coaches and Master NLP Trainers
This exclusive training is taught by a world-class master NLP trainer and celebrity coach Michael Breen. Michael has:
  • Over 30 years experience teaching NLP around the world
  • NLP Master DHE Trainer and Master Hypnotist
  • Co‐founded largest NLP training school in the world 
  • For 10 years co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna
  • Is an expert at behavioral change
  • Management consultant to numerous Fortune 100 companies
  • Created the first business NLP practitioner in the UK
  • Is one of Europe’s leading executive coaches
  • And is known for teaching NLP in a way that makes it very easy to apply
  • Has taught over 80,000 students
This is why I went to Michael with these questions…

Because he is Britain’s Foremost Business Trainer and of the finest NLP trainers in the world, who has been using NLP in the real world, NOT just in a seminar environment for three decades.

And I knew that as Michael has built a very successful international coaching and consulting business and specialises in teaching people how to use NLP in the Business Environment he’d be able to teach anchoring in a way that anyone with basic NLP training could get… and use right away.

As such, even in his trainings he NEVER uses the ‘touch someone on the knee’ anchoring. He consistently uses anchoring in conferences, meetings, consulting jobs and his high performance coaching sessions… without it ever looking like he is using NLP!

So I knew he’d be the perfect person to teach how to use anchoring in the real world…

And So This Exclusive Training Was Created…
30 Days To Masterful NLP Anchoring 
 (Recorded LIVE From An Exclusive Masterclass Anchoring Training)

Now I don’t know if this was just good timing or it was pure luck but Michael was tired, surprised AND annoyed!

He was tired of practitioners asking him questions on anchoring that they really should know.

He was surprised at the lack of understanding about anchoring in the community.

And he was annoyed (and excited) enough to agree to create a special program that shows you everything you need to know about anchoring fluently and intentionally without touching a knee!!

30 Days to Masterful Anchoring really is the ideal product for anyone with a basic knowledge of NLP who wants to take their skills to the next level.

Please note that this is NOT a product for a complete beginner.

Basic knowledge of NLP (rapport, state elicitation, traditional anchoring technique) is required to fully benefit from the 4 week course on Anchoring.

While the first week will give you more introductory information and ‘fill in the blanks’ on some things you may have missed.

In this masterclass you’ll receive the following:

4 weeks video lessons on anchoring streamed from our digital training platform
3 hours of rich audio on Anchoring Distinctions & Examples
4 weeks of
training transcripts in pdf format
Easy-to-follow  anchoring assignments in
pdf format
The following weeks will build on this knowledge and does assume that you know a certain minimum level of NLP.

The program is broken down into 4 weeks.

Each week Michael will teach you a specific aspect of anchoring and then give you assignments for the week.

Michael will basically hold you by the hand and teach you all the skills you need to fluently and intentionally anchor in any environment.

Never before has a Master Trainer broken down the art of anchoring in such an easily digestible, self paced, highly practical and very accessible format over four weeks. 

The program is actually a breakdown of an anchoring seminar Michael did for his NLP Master Class. You will see hours and hours of brilliant NLP presentation in action.

So not only is it Michael’s most up to date work; it is video from a live seminar with demos and examples.

We made sure to ask Michael lots and lots of questions on anchoring as well as asking him for examples in NON-seminar environments where he has used anchoring.

It became so big  – we now have a whole 3 Hours MP3 recording of Michael answering the most common questions about anchoring as well as giving examples of anchoring.

Now we know that you may questions as you go through this course, so we have had Michael answer the most common questions our first 100 customers have had and you will get access to this very special bonus too.

What You’ll Learn 
In This 4 Week Training:
First things first.  Every week, as you can see from the week 1 video training insert below, the course is broken down into a easily digestible format for you to work through at your own pace. You don’t have to worry about missing a thing; you can pause, rewind, skip or jump to the bits you want to revisit or watch over again and again. 
In fact you can EVEN download and take it offline with you to play on your computer and convert to take with you for your IPod, IPad or other multi-media device.  
Watch as Michael overtly and covertly demonstrates the anchoring skills he is training you to get but in a fraction of the time it would take you if you had to discover all this by yourself. 
Week 1 – State Elicitation
In week 1, you really get State Elicitation because before you can effectively anchor someone you need to be able to elicit the state you want in them.  And you need to be able to recognize when they are in a state that you want to anchor.  Michael therefore spends the first week on the finer points of state elicitation.  

This is the foundation of your entire anchoring course and he covers everything you need to know about states. 

Here are just some of the fantastic things you’ll learn in this week:

  • How Master Trainers think about what exactly anchoring really is. It will make so much sense to you and forever change the way you look at anchoring. This distinction alone demystifies the confusion that keeps NLPers blocked. By learning the way the Master Trainers think of anchoring you will quadruple the speed and frequency at which you can observe anchors occurring everywhere (even by the best trainers in the seminars) and how you too can utilize them.
  • Learn how to “play” with other peoples anchors – one of the most powerful aspects of NLP whether you use if for persuasion, change work or your own self anchoring. When you master this you will be able to naturally trigger powerful emotions in others in an instance, all WITHOUT doing the usual NLP anchoring setup work! When you test this out for yourself you’ll be knocked for six as to how impressive this is with people in everyday life contexts. Expect to become more INFLUENTIAL AND MAGNETIC to others.
  • Watch and learn how to “spoil” an anchor, how to neutralize, change and install a new “association” in the time it takes click your fingers! Michael points out specifically what he is doing to create a rapid change of anchors for a member of the audience. When you learn this you will be edging to use it with your clients, family and friends to help them enjoy more resourceful states whenever they want.
  • Learn how Michael uses anchoring, the critical role of intention, environment, a clear outcome to be dramatically more effective when coaching others.
  • Hear how Michael organizes the way he uses anchoring into two core sets of anchoring approaches and experience how doing this step alone can rocket the results you get when working and influencing others
  • The truth about reinforcement, the shape of states and insights on how people unconsciously train their brains for poor states and how you can utilize each to MAXIMIZE the effectiveness of your anchoring.
  • Identify how you can elicit powerful responses without doing the “remember a time …” questions taught in traditional NLP training’s on State Elicitation (Very useful for business professionals!). Begin to master how to elicit states powerful using the key distinctions you will learn here to for use in everyday life and work..
  • Learn the real role of the four tuples in anchoring and how realizing this gives you the flexibility to avoid getting too caught up in the “did I trigger the anchor just right” so you stay focused on the outcomes that you want.
  • By the end of this week you will know how to elicit and amplify powerful states rapidly (without being restricted to traditional NLP state elicitation questions), in others for use in everyday situations and how to utilize inbuilt triggers quickly in others (using a rarely taught anchoring tool) and how to rapidly change the associations other people have to their own anchors!
  • How Master Trainers think about what exactly anchoring really is. It will make so much sense to you and forever change the way you look at anchoring. This distinction alone demystifies the confusion that keeps NLPers blocked.By learning the way the Master Trainers think of anchoring you will quadruple the speed and frequency at which you can observe anchors occurring everywhere (even by the best trainers in the seminars) and how you too can utilize them.
Week 2 – The Art Of Anchoring

In week 2 Michael goes deeper into the organizing frames for what anchoring is what it isn’t. Michael covers the key points of anchoring.  

This week will address a lot of the queries people have when they come off an NLP seminar.  

What exactly do you need to know about the art of anchoring? 

In week two expect to: 

  • Understand the critical role of “gestalts” and how just catching a small bit of an experience can call the whole state into being – giving you multiple triggers in multiple sensory systems to access trigger states but only if you understand how this key organizing principle of anchoring really works.
  • Understand the critical role of “gestalts” and how just catching a small bit of an experience can call the whole state into being – giving you multiple triggers in multiple sensory systems to access trigger states but only if you understand how this key organizing principle of anchoring really works.
  • How to use your state AND this organizing principle to elicit “pre-wired” powerful cultural responses such as authoritative responses in business and personal life and how to un-wire yourself.
  • Internalises the importance of knowing what you want so you avoid the mediocre results common to other NLPers who make this big mistake again and again.
  • Understand the critical importance of this key pre anchoring activity that will springboard your personal and professional effectiveness in everyday situations regardless of what contexts you use your new found anchoring wizardry.
  • Learn not just how to anchor powerfully but learn how to plan ahead of time the outcomes you want and the states you need so you eliminate the potential resistance others have and help you get results and outcomes you want every time.
  • When you master state planning expect to have your colleagues, customers and friends be more receptive to what you have to say as you help them achieve the things your want!  
Week 3 – Anchoring In Context

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