Richard Roop – Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs


Richard Roop – Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs


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Richard Roop – Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs

Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs by Richard Roop, Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs download. And, Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs Free. Then, Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs groupbuy. Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs review, Richard Roop Author

Here is what you will discover in 12 videos: 

You get wall-to-wall “killer” strategies for buying more houses, occupying them fast and leveraging all your time and money.

I update you on my best strategies, systems and methodologies for buying millions of dollars worth of real estate without going through

agents, without qualifying for loans, without using your money… and without the headaches that come with being a landlord.

You’ll discover step-by-step how to get plenty of motivated sellers calling you for little or nothing, how to prescreen those leads quickly, and

how to literally get sellers begging you to come and look at the homes (new!).

You’ll learn how to determine multiple exit strategies, structure several “no money down” offers, get it under contract, close, etc.

You’ll discover my secrets to selling or occupying your houses for maximum profit and residual cash flow.

You’ll enhance you ability to buy and hold for building wealth… buy and flip for fast cash… or a combo of both. I share my best systems… not

just the strategies, but the actual tools.

You can avoid reinventing the wheel… you get my vendor contacts, web addresses, cherished resources plus… the ACTUAL ad copy,

marketing messages, letters, scripts, checklists, forms, email auto-responders, procedures, flyers, etc.

You’ll learn the latest updates on my famous “free special report” or “advertorial” for buying houses PLUS I give you the rights to use my two

new “advertorials” in your marketing. One is for attracting buyers and one for dominating foreclosures.

You’ll get my best advice on managing a multi-million dollar house buying operation so you don’t have to do it all yourself. Dismiss any fear

or uncertainty about getting help or giving up control. You’ll discover how to get great help affordably, how to delegate, recruit members for

your team, control cash flow, reduce risks and manage dozens (or even hundreds) of houses.

You’ll enjoy having a clear plan on how to achieve your cash income or wealth accumulation goals.

Readmore: HERE !

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